Chapter 231 Chapter Twenty-Three Location Economics and Global Software Development Centers
Chapter 232 Outsourcing Software Development: The Location Decision GSD Decision Location Decision IT Manager Size of Company Availability of Software Engineers and their Wages Home Country Factors Trained and skilled SW engineers Level of IT labor cost Risk Infrastructure Exchange Rate Host Country Factors Educational Institutions Training Facilities S/W Piracy Rate Political Stability
Chapter 233 Managerial Skills Distributed development techniques Host country culture Knowledge transfer and communication
Chapter 234 Size of Company Big!
Chapter 235 Supply of Skilled IT Professionals and Wage Demands In HOME Country (i.e., HQ) General shortfall (paradoxical) Wages rose 50% between 1990 and 1998; it is still high
Chapter 236 Supply of Trained and Skilled SW Engineers Depends on institutions such as universities and technical schools India, Russia, Brazil have large supply of such individuals; the Indians speak English Israel, Ireland have many highly-specialized SW engineers (defense, financial applications)
Chapter 237 Wages in Host Country Lower in developing countries, by 50 to 90% “Another factor indicative of the health of the IT labor market is a strong domestic IT market and penetration of technology” (pg. 453)
Chapter 238 Risk Piracy Political Stability Regulations, Tariffs
Chapter 239 Infrastructure Telecommunications Electricity Repair of Equipment/Supply of Equipment “Information Infrastructure”
Chapter 2310 Financial Considerations Exchange Rate and volatility Convertability of currency Banking, funds transfer Accounting, accountability Taxation Schemes
Chapter 2311 Additional Factors GSD Decision Location Decision IT Manager Size of Company Availability of Software Engineers and their Wages Home Country Factors Trained and skilled SW engineers Level of IT labor cost Risk Infrastructure Exchange Rate Host Country Factors Educational Institutions Training Facilities S/W Piracy Rate Political Stability MACRO LEVEL (Country) MICRO LEVEL (Project)
Chapter 2312 Macro-Level Considerations Language Quality (Bang for buck/Quality vs. Cost) Certification ISO 9000 SEI Level 2, 3, 4, or 5 CMM or SPICE or other
Chapter 2313 Micro-Level Considerations About the project or application McFarlan Risk Factors Size Stability/Specificity/Structure “Gap” Time Structure (sequential, parallel, overlapped)
Chapter 2314 But You Already Know This Ho
Chapter 2315 Outsourcing Software Development: The Location Decision GSD Decision Location Decision IT Manager Size of Company Availability of Software Engineers and their Wages Home Country Factors Trained and skilled SW engineers Level of IT labor cost Risk Infrastructure Exchange Rate Host Country Factors Educational Institutions Training Facilities S/W Piracy Rate Political Stability Brazil Indonesia South Korea Egypt Russia China India