Collaborative Workflow Management with Alerts: An Integrated Retailing System for Garments Brands Donald S.F. Wong Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Dickson K. W. CHIU Senior Member, IEEE Dickson Computer Systems Hong Kong
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Introduction: Online Garment Shops Unlimited capacity Corporation contact points Virtual showroom Logistics integration Problem customer interaction, collaboration, consultation update time for new products is quite long (models vs. product photo) products are not updated based on the seasons but on the last of stocks size and color of the garments are not fixed or standardized among different brands outlook different between the model wearing the products and the customer wearing the same product => consultations required
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Introduction: Traditional Garments Retail Retail shops in prime business areas Salesperson: professional product consultation + promoter CRM: Personal contact Problem High operating cost Capacity Quality of the salespersons – training, experience… Backend support Manual process integration => Can we have a solution with both advantages?
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Solution Overview Integrated Retailing System (IRS) Unified platform - simplify and integrate the retailing process in both traditional and electronics retailing Collaborative workflow and facilitate the information and process integration Create more sales opportunities for the garments brands CRM Alert Management Manage messaging, resending, routing, logging, etc. Process monitoring
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Stakeholders of Integrated Retailing System
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Use Case Diagram of Integrated Retailing System
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE System Architecture
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Alert Conceptual Model
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Urgency Level Description Urgency LevelAction Before Deadline (3)The task should finish as soon as possible. Near Deadline (2)The task is near the deadline. Reminder is sent to the corresponding staff and the manager. The IRS also highlights the task for reminder. Over Deadline (1)The task is already overdue. Alert is sent to the staff and supervisor via SMS and for immediately action.
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE IRS and AMS Mechanism
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Sample user interface for customer recommendation request
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Workflow for Customer Recommendation Request
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Workflow of updating Customer Information
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Workflow for Website Update System
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Conclusion Sales process integrated and monitored by the IRS Process allocation, process flow, and the process alert monitoring - AMS Data integration: customer, inventory, … More personalized services to customers Backend knowledge support for salespersons - customer previous transaction records and body information Part-time and off-duty salespersons can participate – commission bonus Timely website update / monitoring
IRS workflow collaborationICEBE Future Work Logistics integration More interaction between the customer and the salespersons, e.g., chat room Generating the imaging of the selected clothes with the photograph of the customer Data mining – marketing, CRM, … Expert system for automatic consultation Detailed performance evaluation of the system Use questionnaires to evaluate the satisfaction of various stakeholders Security and privacy issues
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