1 Pennsylvania GIS Conference 2006 Geospatial Shared Services And Opportunities Jim Knudson Deputy CIO, Environmental Community of Practice State Geospatial Technologies Coordinator
2 GT Annual Review
3 What Happened This Year in BGT? Loaded 270 data layers in enterprise GT database (Oracle/ArcSDE) Launched 10 new applications and web services in the Geospatial Enterprise Server Architecture Hosted 4 new agency applications in GESA Increased agencies we support to 30 Completed a Homeland Security GIS application called Geospatial Analysis of Threats and Incident Reports (GATIR) Provided 400 classroom training seats for agencies Worked on a Statewide GT Coordinating Council strategy Completed our 3-Year Strategic Plan
4 What Happened This Year in BGT? Published 12 ArcIMS/OGC Mapping Services Started loading imagery into the enterprise GT database (NAIP CIR, PAMAP, DOQQs, DRGs, Ivan) Achieved a line item budget for PAMAP imagery and LiDAR collection Survived a third OIT reorganization and a third office move in April Did not get to hire any new staff (now 1.5) BGT was reorganized to become the Geospatial Technologies Office Jim was promoted to Deputy CIO, Environmental Community of Practice (EnviroCoP) Stacey was promoted to GTO Director GTO
5 THANKS! All of you who support our office and volunteer your time! PAMAP Program Office for completing imagery and LiDAR acquisition for the Commonwealth PAMAGIC, SMEs, Editors for publishing PGDSS 2.0 CCAP and County GIS Professionals – for organizing, prioritizing county needs Commonwealth Geospatial Vendors – for helping to make it a successful and productive year in PA House Intergovernmental Affairs Committee and LORL for continuing to work on draft legislation for the PA Geospatial Coordinating Council
6 Where Are We Today? Almost too many enterprise geospatial activities to keep track of (all positive, but making us a little crazy): –PAMAP – Imagery AND LiDAR –Council Draft Legislation –Geospatial Enterprise Architecture –PGDSS Version 2.0, starting Version 3.0 –Geospatial Project Portfolio –Geospatial Shared Services –GIS County Professionals –Federated GIS Pilot Project –Wireless 9-1-1, RCTTF/County Opportunities –Lots of data means lots of vendor opportunities – parcels, roads, addressing, applications
7 Geospatial Shared Services
8 Definition of Shared Services A standards and policy-based paradigm for implementing business solutions in a way that reduces cost, duplication, and redundant solutions. Derived from the manufacturing industry, now being widely applied to Information Technology as a means for reducing server proliferation, utilizing more CPU cycles on every server, and utilizing web services for information access and development and provisioning of reusable software components. Centralized , security, networking, etc. are considered to be IT shared services
9 Geospatial Shared Services The following Commonwealth Geospatial Shared Services are available through the Geospatial Technologies Office (GTO): –State Geospatial Clearinghouse (PASDA) - Public –Enterprise Data Licenses** –Geospatial Enterprise Server Architecture Information Sharing** Application Hosting** Geospatial Portals** Geospatial Web Services** –Project Portfolio ** - indicates governmental and first responder access, not public access
10 PA Spatial Data Access (PASDA) Services continue to expand and improve every year! Act as an extension to GTO staff, part of our team Loading “gobs” of imagery for public access –PAMAP – 2003, 2004, 2005 –NAIP Color Infrared Statewide TIFFs (not MrSID) –Ivan Flooding Imagery TIFFs –Delaware Flooding Aerial Images Continue to make improvements in the user interface Metadata support for everyone Provide technical support and research activities Reorganization of PENNCAT for mapping services
11 Enterprise Data Licenses TeleAtlas Enterprise License –GIS Data Layers –Address Geocoding –Routing/Driving Directions –Census Data Places2Protect – finalizing data delivery –Places where people congregate –Elderly and youth populations –Service centers Real-Time Weather Data – almost there Major utilities – oil/gas transmission, electrical transmission, chemical – working on licensing
12 Geospatial Enterprise Server Architecture (GESA) Fault tolerant, high availability, 24x7 operational capabilities built for mission critical public safety applications that supports: –Enterprise Geospatial Database (Oracle/ArcSDE) –Shared Services GT Application hosting environment – for GTO and other agencies –OGC Mapping Services for information sharing –XML Web Services Reusable Components –Geospatial Portal Deployments Linchpin in GTO’s strategy for geospatial shared services – paid for with Homeland Security Grants
14 Information Sharing Enterprise Geospatial Database to consolidate Commonwealth geospatial data holdings Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Mapping Services (interoperable) –Currently 12 different function-based services (Administrative Boundaries; Public and Commercial Facilities; Hydrography; Energy, Municipal and Utility Infrastructure; Water Infrastructure; Law Enforcement and Emergency Response; Natural Areas and Parks; Airports, Airfields and Heliports; Bridges and Tunnels; Ports and Waterways; Roads) –ESRI and OGC (interoperable) mapping services –Web Mapping Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS)
15 Information Sharing Strategy Agencies and External Business Partners Enterprise GT Database Data Providers Data, metadata Public PASDA Data, metadata, mapping services ESRI and OGC Mapping Services
16 Information Sharing Goal is to make data available to our internal and external “business partners”, sharing the resources in the enterprise geospatial database via ESRI and OGC mapping services with agencies on the intranet and external entities on the Internet Your choice as to whether you want a georeferenced image (Web Mapping Service) or individual features in vector format (Web Feature Service) WMS utilizes our symbology, WFS utilizes your symbology assigned locally Both can be integrated into your local GIS clients
17 Geospatial Application Hosting Services GESA provides: –Direct access to enterprise geospatial database –Fault-tolerant, network load balanced application servers –Leverage GTO ESRI and other software licenses (ArcSDE, ArcIMS, ArcGIS Server, Citrix server for a license pool containing ArcInfo, ArcEditor, ArcView, and most extensions for desktop environment) –Managed Services environment (support)
18 Geospatial Application Hosting GTO is hosting GTO applications and other agency applications in the GESA: –Community and Economic Development –Governor’s Office –Health –Labor and Industry –PEMA Coming Attractions: –Agriculture? –Insurance? –OHS? –PSP?
19 Geospatial Portal Development Leverages the IRRIS Geospatial Framework for Pennsylvania –$15M Investment in IRRIS by the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Traffic Engineering Agency (SDDCTEA) –Enables rapid deployment of portal applications –Being adopted by DHS and being used by other states First PA geospatial portal was the Geospatial Analysis of Threats and Incident Reports (GATIR)
24 Wall map slide
28 Geospatial Web Services Documented on GTO website under Enterprise GIS Web Services Link – Developer Integration Guides (DIGs): DIGs include how to register for access to services, error messages, input and output XML interfaces, and sample source code on how to call services in VB.NET / ASP.NET
29 Geospatial Web Services Offerings Address Verification against USPS Database Address Geocoding Boundary Geocoding Mapping Routing SDE Data Loading (point features) Coming This Year: –Spatial Search –Gazetteer –Plume Modeling –Cartographic Printing?
30 GTO Opportunities
31 GTO Opportunities Geospatial Strategic Plan and Vision GT Request Tracking System Geospatial Community of Practice for PA (GeoCoPA) Geospatial Communications Pennsylvania Geospatial Coordinating Council (PGCC)
32 Geospatial Strategic Plan On GTO website, 3 year plan/roadmap 3 Primary Strategies –Data Assets –Geospatial Enterprise Architecture –Enterprise Strengthening Identifies opportunities for external entities, local governments, etc. to participate and collaborate Lays foundation to request additional resources from the administration to support enterprise mission
33 GT Request Tracking Reduce GTO s Self-Serve Database of requests Delegation of tasks Feedback to requester Tracking of requests Requests for Info Requests for Services Requests for Data Technical Support Join Community of Interest
34 Geospatial Communities of Practice (GeoCoPa) Divided into four communities: –Public Safety –Health and Human Services –Environmental –General Government Operations Will be project driven – standards, best practices, research and development Opportunities for external entities to collaborate with state agencies Quarterly meetings, external participation invited
35 Geospatial Communications How should we communicate – newsletters, website, discussion boards, surveys, etc.? How do we communicate better? What do we communicate? What different Communities of Interest exist that we should target? How do we utilize existing agency communications channels? How do we advertise opportunities to stakeholders?
36 PA Geospatial Coordinating Council PGCC is next step in the evolution of GT Governance that already exists for state agencies GTO is pro-council, and we hope to collaborate with LORL and House Intergovernmental Affairs Committee staffers to develop strategy and jointly develop the draft legislation Business owners/policy makers must be engaged on the council (legislature, agency secretaries, county commissioners, township supervisors, etc.) Makeup should be based on data creation stake among multiple levels of government, but also include representation from legislature, academia, industry, economic development, non-profit, environmental, regional councils, federal agencies Identify statewide priorities, make recommendations to legislature
37 Annual Summary Very Active Office Every Available Resource is beyond capacity Lots of evidence to show for the work being done Future strategy is to extend our governance, collaborations, and partnerships to engage others to help us do more based on CoP/CoI Focus on communications this year and how do we let everyone know our vision and when and where to engage on specific initiatives
38 What’s Coming This Year! Long awaited real-time Weather data, severe weather alerting application, and plume modeling Hiring 3 new positions in the GTO: GT Project Manager, GT Application Developer, GT Database Manager 2 new geospatial portals for transportation and health New mapping services for Imagery New web services – spatial search, gazetteer, buffering, SDE data loading, plume modeling GT Request Tracking and Improved Communications
39 PA GTO Website
40 THANKS! To Brady Stroh, PSU Harrisburg, and the PA GIS Conference Committee for another great year and a great program!