Japanese Serial Cancellation Project and Future Coordination: Strategies and Outcome Toshie Marra, UCLA EAALC Meeting, September 15, 2011 UC Irvine
Background 2009/2010: Severe Budget Cut at UC More journal articles are available online via CiNii, JAIRO (Japanese Institutional Repositories Online), and/or individual Institutional Repository sites CDL and UCLA began to use Serials Solutions 360 Resource Manager (ERMS)
Steps to Take 1) Make a combined list of Japanese print serial subscriptions with UCB, UCSD, and UCLA holdings to identify print serials subscribed by multiple campuses 2) Obtain a list of titles available online and identify serials subscribed both in print and online 3) Coordinate among three campuses for cancellation of serial subscriptions by making sure that at least one campus continue its subscription of specific titles 4) Finalize the combined print subscription list and share it with other UC campuses
Findings 1) Make a combined list of Japanese print serial subscriptions with UCB, UCSD, and UCLA holdings to identify print serials subscribed by multiple campuses – Agreed upon the Excel format (e.g., columns), but not all campuses could pull out the same information—Only Romanized title is commonly available – Sort alphabetically by Romanized title – Color coordination helps! – Three campuses collectively subscribe to 609 titles
Findings (#2) 2) Obtain a list of titles available online and identify serials subscribed both in print and onlineserials subscribed both in print and online – Overlap Analysis tool in Serials Solutions does not work with external lists – CiNii includes 6,818 titles—The biggest challenge was that the list from NII did not have Romanized titles! – CiNii’s coverage varies: 情報の科学と技術 : /3 印度學佛教學研究 : 史學雜誌 : /7 – Many government agencies provide online serials
Findings (#3) 3) Coordinate among three campuses for cancellation of serial subscriptions With the first try: – UCB wanted to cancel 77 titles – UCLA wanted to cancel 36 titles – UCSD wanted to cancel 14 titles 113 distinct titles identified for cancellation, some of which were wanted to be cancelled by all three campuses →Needs coordination regarding 11 titles: Coordination principle: No loss at UC; At least one campus continue its subscription for UC – UCB continued 5 titles – UCLA continued 6 titles
Outcome 4) Finalize the combined print subscription list and share it with other UC campusesthe combined print subscription list – Achievements: Less duplication in subscriptions at UC Savings Provided a model for cooperative collection development – Issues: Do we want to maintain the print subscription list? Do we want to expand the list to cover all UC campuses?
Future Coordination NCC’s Cooperative Collection Development Working Group established in fall 2010: – Purpose/Mission: To coordinate local and regional efforts of collection development so that each institution will be able to reconsider how to develop their local collection – Chair: Azusa Tanaka –
NCC’s CCDWG Newspaper Coordination: – Creating a Google Doc list of newspapers with institutional commitments information:Google Doc list of newspapers with institutional commitments information Japanese domestic newspapers Japanese American newspapers from North America Serials Coordination Monograph Coordination