School of Medicine PPI Update Helen Clifford Community and Public Engagement Officer
Why PPI? GMC Advice Supplementary to Tomorrow’s Doctors (2009) “Patient and public involvement in undergraduate medical education”
Extent of Public and Patient Involvement
Lay interviewers Existing role Multi mini interview system Lay station staffed by single lay member 5 minute interview on motivation and caring experience
PPI Group Newly formed group Proposed to meet twice a year All lay members meet together with a few members of the School of Medicine Discuss experiences of lay membership Wider public and patient input on certain decisions 38 members
Committees New role Most School committees to have a pair of lay members
Strategy and Business Case Mission Keele University Medical School aspires to be an example of best practice in its high quality and effective engagement of patients, carers and members of the public embracing them as critical friends throughout the operation and development of the selection and education of medical students (and doctors in training).
Recruitment Process Recruitment material – leaflets and posters Keele jobs website 3 rd Sector contacts Twitter Existing contacts Volunteering websites GP surgeries Referrals Role overview and person specifications Application Form Interviews with panel of 3 (20-30 mins)
Results of recruitment drive Over 60 expressions of interest 48 applications 53% female Age range of 55 years From Staffordshire, Cheshire, Shropshire and Wales 38 successful Retired, working, unemployed, stay at home parents Prosecutor, CEO of charity, magistrate, teacher, senior managers in multinationals, NHS administrative staff, counsellor, lifestyle advisor, volunteering manager, dyslexia advisor, owner of removal company, policeman, auditor …….. Variety of patient experience White British
Training Training compulsory Content: –The School of Medicine and the Course –The Lay Role –Equality and Diversity –Lay interviewing Materials –Glossary –Who's who of committees Very well received Helped lay members to get to know each other Senior members of School joined us for lunch
Policies and Administration Recognition and Remuneration Policy Recruitment and Selection Policy Risk Register Conflict of interest policy and form Confidentiality Agreements Role Agreement Not insignificant amount of work!
Research? Collecting data on lay member and committee members expectations and perceptions of lay involvement - before and after How committee members feel about lay involvement? Does lay involvement change lay members perception of the School and of healthcare?
The Future? People becoming non lay? Increasing representation of local community SIFT visits Patient stories for teaching Patient and Public Led Innovation