Performed by: Anton Okun Lior Shvartzman Instructor: Michael Gendelsman המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל Technion - Israel institute of technology department of Electrical Engineering דו ” ח סיכום פרויקט ( חלק א ’) Subject: Barker code correlator סמסטר חורף תשס " ב 1
Abstract המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory 2 In many areas of engineering are needed to perform tests on bodies without damage them. Such tests are called Non Destructive Tests (NDT). It is done by transmitting ultra sound signals through the body, receiving it and applying analysis on those signals in order to find failures in the body. In our system we commit correlation on the transmitted and received signal. We use special serial code called Barcer Code as the transmitted signal because this promises us the best SNR.
System description המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory 3 In the card there are 3 series of codes,with length of 256 bit,kept in memory. The transmitting time quantum is 1mSec. We use one selector to decide which one of the series will be transmitted, and we use second selector to decide the delay time.The transmitted signal is actually returns back to system after a delay, attenuation and addition with noise. After receiving the signal,correlation between the original signal and the received one is made and the output of it is sanded to oscilloscope with a proper interface.
Specification המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory Hardware Software 4 Wire-up card Input voltage power : ±12V, 2.5V Analog noise input : -2.5V to +2.5V Correlator output signal : -2.5V to 2.5V; periodic with oscilloscope interface Bit rate of receiving and transmitting signals 250KHz Bit rate of correlation timing 64MHz
System Block Diagram המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory 5
FPGA Block Diagram המעבדה למערכות ספרתיות מהירות High speed digital systems laboratory 6