Sudeep Perumbakkam Oregon State University. What is remediation?  Hazardous waste is everywhere.  It comes from paints, motor oil, hair spray, household.


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Presentation transcript:

Sudeep Perumbakkam Oregon State University

What is remediation?  Hazardous waste is everywhere.  It comes from paints, motor oil, hair spray, household cleaners, automotive chemicals, and all kinds of toxic medical, industrial and military products.



BIOREMEDIATION Bioremediation is a complete, safe and natural process of cleaning up organic contaminants through the use of microbes.



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Cuttings of foliage from grass grown in soil treated with 14 C-TNT SandLoamClaySandLoamClaySandLoamClay 11 days after treatment with 14 C-TNT 27 days after treatment with 14 C-TNT 47 days after treatment with 14 C-TNT

Cuttings of foliage from grass grown in soil treated with 14 C-TNT (continued) SandLoamClaySandLoamClay 69 days after treatment with 14 C-TNT 89 days after treatment with 14 C-TNT

Approximate excretion of 14 C-TNT in sheep Liver Kidney Muscle Fat Body tissues: 17-19% Urine: 6-8% Feces: 75% Liver Kidney Muscle Fat Body tissues: 17-19% Urine: 6-8% Feces: 75% Liver Kidney Muscle Fat Body tissues: 17-19% Urine: 6-8% Feces: 75% Liver Kidney Muscle Fat Body tissues: 17-19% Urine: 6-8% Feces: 75% Liver Kidney Muscle Fat Body tissues: 17-19% Urine: 6-8% Feces: 75%

Sheep – ruminant model

Anaerobic transformation of 2,4,6-TNT by bovine ruminal microbes T.J. Fleischmann et al. (2004) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 314:957–963 Proposed Transformation Pathway of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene by Rumen Microbes Under Anaerobic Conditions