Object Oriented Design
Goals Examples of GL4Java: what can be done with OpenGL? Forming groups: u Outline project u Formulate requirement for Game Engine team
Checkpoint: does GL4Java run? Can you run the example in the browser? This is an important precondition for the next step: modify an example and get it to work (compile)
GL4Java Examples NeHe Productions examples translated to GL4Java by Hodglin u More example in GL4Java: ehe/nehe.shtml ehe/nehe.shtml u More NeHe (but not in Java): Ron
Forming groups Taming the blob: Step 1 u requirement analysis u Develop game concept Pick partners for final project Present game concept to class
Let’s make a Game Engine Refactoring u Bottom up: to make OpenGL functionality available u Top down: to capture needs by a variety of games We use some ideas from our 2D editor design Hardware OpenGL Game Engine Chris Schenk & Luke Swanson Game 1Game 2 Game n
Game Proposal Document Select Genre: Adventure, action, role-playing, strategy, simulation, sports, fighting, casual, god, educational, puzzle, online, … High Concept: one or two sentences what your game is about Game Play: what will the player do when playing the game? Contextualize with genre.What is the objective of your game? Technology: u 2D: sprites u 3D: 3d agents Source: Game Design, Bob Gates
Requirement for Game engine Camera aimed at character Shapes Aggregate shapes Rotation of shapes and camera Collision detection IIII Multiple cameras Clipping Physics II Particles Text Infinite backgrounds (repetitive textures, sky domes, …) Foreground/messages/score keeping
Design Create storyboards u Crude pictures of your game describing player / game interaction u Describe sequence: what leads to what? u What does the user see and control? One character First person Birds eye Many characters List requirements for game engine
Homework PROGRAMMING: u Modify “glutplane.java” to feature 20 planes u Compile and run u Due: November 7 PROJECT: u Finish game proposal document u to Alex & Andri u Due: November 12 READING: u OpenGL Red book chapter 3; Viewing u u Due: November 12