State-wide program information, conditional loans and professional development for candidates seeking certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) ® National Board Certification Washington State ( )
NBPTS Facts Created in 1987 Non-partisan, independent, non-profit 63 member board of directors, majority are classroom teachers
NBPTS Mission Maintain a high and rigorous standards for what teachers should know and can do Provide a national voluntary system to assess and certify teachers who meet those standards Advocate related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification into American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs)
What Is It? High, rigorous standards for what teachers should know and demonstrate Designed to retain, reward and advance accomplished teachers through a voluntary system of advanced certification
Based on Core Propositions: What teachers should know and be able to do Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers are members of learning communities.
Process Measures Decision Making… For these students At this time In this setting
School Site Portfolio Shows evidence of meeting NBPTS standards through classroom work Includes student work samples, videotapes of classroom interactions Written description, analysis and reflection provides a window into candidate’s actions and how they think
The Assessment A portfolio of classroom practice An assessment of content knowledge administered at a computer-based testing center. The assessment process for National Board Certification consists of two components and can take the better part of a year to complete:
Portfolio Entries Written work, videos and student work samples Most portfolios require something similar to: 1. Student Growth Analysis 2. Small Group Video + Analysis 3. Whole Class Video + Analysis 4. Documented Accomplishments
Assessment Center Six questions, 30 min. each Subject specific (content) Test age-appropriate, content appropriate strategies
The Assessment Four Portfolio Entries Large – and small – group videos of classroom practice Student work samples Documented collaboration Six Assessment Center Exercises Timed, open-response prompts Six Assessment Center Exercises Four Portfolio Entries
Take One! ®
“Take One!” One video entry completed and scored Score can be banked and applied to candidacy No eligibility requirements Now available nationally Cost is $395
What is Take One!? 14 Four Portfolio Exercises Six Assessment Center Exercises Take One! National Board Assessment
Take One! Key Dates 15 Order and purchase Submit portfolio entry Access score online December 31, 2009 April 15, 2010 On or before December 31, 2010
Why Should I Apply? Professional Development Professional Pride
Why Apply? Incentives Financial reward: $5,000 annual bonus, good for life of National Board Certificate; increases annually with inflation (subject to biennial budget); factors into retirement Additional $5,000 bonus for NBCTs who work in high-needs schools with 70% (elementary), 60% (middle school), and 50% (high school) or higher free/reduced lunch count; not subject to inflation, but factors into retirement Clock Hours requirement waived to renew continuing or professional certificate
Why Apply? Incentives (cont.) 45 clock hours upon NBPTS verification of all 10 completed entries, and another 45 upon certification Professional Certification granted for Residency Certificate holders (if certification is achieved) Certificate transferable to most states (currently 42 out of 50 states) Can possibly add new endorsement
Why Apply? Leadership Many opportunities for National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs): Facilitation for NB candidate support groups, Professional Certification support Building/district curriculum/instructional leader Association leadership (NEA, WEA, local) NBCT Network Statewide teaching advocacy Appointments to state and national policy boards and committees Many others…
Why Apply? Research More than 150 studies have examined National Board Certification Over 75% found a significant, measurable, positive impact on student learning and teacher performance View the studies on the NBPTS website at National Research Council (NRC) June, “Advanced certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is an effective way to identify highly skilled teachers, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council. Students taught by NBPTS-certified teachers make greater gains on achievement tests than students taught by teachers who are not board-certified, says the report. “
Professional Certification and NB Certification Residency Certificate: Teaching certificates issued after September 2000 Residency holders must complete a Professional Certificate program within five years of completing provisional status. By earning National Board certification, residency holders will be granted the Professional Certificate.
Key Distinctions: Residency, Professional and National Board Certification Residency Certificate: based on initial standards for new educators Professional Certificate: based on more advanced standards and promotes career-long growth goals National Board Certification: focused on the highest, voluntary standards for accomplished teaching by showing excellence in the classroom and in professional life
Where do I start? Visit the National Board Website: Click “For Candidates” Guide to National Board Certification You can download your certificate area standards document (70-90 pages), portfolio instructions ( pages), and scoring guide ( pages)
What Do I Need To Do? Check eligibility: 3 Years of K-12 teaching experience Access to at least 6 students in the area in which you are attempting certification License to teach in the state Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution. Pay fee: $2,500 (plus $65 application fee)
What Support Options Do I Have? OSPI: Conditional Loan Program pays for the $2000 candidate fee (minus the initial $565) WEA: 4-day Jump Start and 1-day Home Stretch Seminars Universities/Districts: Support groups facilitated by NBCTs Districts: Many districts offer fee support and other resources to candidates NBPTS: online/phone support TEACH
Universities’ Roles UW, WSU, EWU, WWU, PLU, Gonzaga, CWU, City University and Heritage University have developed programs to support candidates Summer orientation activities Cohort groups with NBCT facilitators Certificate study days Over 45 districts and 3 ESDs serve in this role
District and Building Support Possibilities Communicate Spread the word Feature NBPTS activities Recruit a candidate Support Host pre-candidacy workshops Fund support groups Offer video services Pay candidate fees Offer release days to work on process Celebrate Party or celebration event at completion of the process Host event for new NBCTs
National Board Timeline Apply after Jan. 1: $65 due when you apply, full payment due Dec. 31 “The Box” arrives after you pay at least $500 Candidacy year: Portfolio: Complete between April 1 and March 31 Assessment Center: Complete before June 15 of candidacy year Find out scores before end of December
Washington State Timeline OSPI Conditional Loan Applications: First round: Jan. 5 th- February 13 th (closes at 5pm) Second round: May 8 th – June 1 st (closes at 5pm) Notification: First round: March 20 th 2009 Second round: June 15th, 2009 Spring/Summer 2009: University & District Kickoffs, optional WEA Jump Start Seminar Summer 2009: R ecipients send fee to support provider according to the provider’s timeline. Late Winter 2010: Optional WEA Home Stretch Seminar Spring 2010: Submit portfolio to NBPTS; Assessment Center activity for most (though candidates can take the AC any time at many points during the timeline)
Washington State Conditional Loan Program for National Board Certification Competitive state conditional loan process 2 “windows” for applications in 2009 (First round: Jan. 5 th- February 13 th ; Second round: May 8 th – June 1 st (closes at 5pm) 3 essay questions; letter of support from school principal/leader Scored by NBCTs using a common scoring guide Conditional loans awarded and paid directly to NBPTS Loans will only be given to those teachers and counselors who complete the OSPI NBPTS conditional loan application.
WEA Jumpstart 2009 April 10/11 and April 17/18, 2009 (Tacoma Professional Development Center -- participants attend all four days) June 22-25, 2009 (Spokane - WSU Spokane Campus) August 3-6 (Edmonds - Location TBD)
OPSI NBCT Facilitator Training* Facilitator I February 5 th & 6 th, 2009 Federal Way, WA WEA HQs April 24 th & 25 th, 2009 Eastside Location TBD Facilitator II March 13 th & 14 th, 2009 Westside Location TBD June 23 rd & 24 th, 2009 Gonzaga University Spokane, WA *Facilitator Training is offered only to NBCTs
Facts and Figures There are nearly 74,000 NBCTs nationwide NBCTs have an average of 14 years of experience 34% have less than 10 years experience 19% years 18% years 27% more than 20 years 920 teachers certified in Washington in 2008 bringing the total to 2,727 (approximately 5.0% of Washington’s teachers)
NBCT National Growth Since 1994
NBCTs Per Year In Washington
Washington State NBCT Growth
Resources National Board: TEACH OSPI: Michaela Miller, NBCT web: WEA: Jim Meadows, Ph.D web: NBPTS Promotional Materials: Sheila Beaver at WEA at Carrie Dubuque at OSPI at
Standard Analysis In groups of 2 or 3 read the “Knowledge of Students” standard. It is generally the first standard for each certificate area. Identify areas in your own teaching where you meet parts of the standards. Start creating a list of “things you do” that meet the standards.