Coventry University Phil Southey Faculty of Engineering and Computing
University, Faculty & Department Coventry University Engineering & Computing Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Computing & Digital Environment Engineering & Knowledge Management MSc Engineering Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering Science The Build Environment Health & Life Sciences Business, Environment & Society Art & Design
New Engineering & Computing Building
New Style Classrooms Supporting Activity Led Learning
Lanchester Library
The Graduate & CPD Centre Teaching and conference rooms with modern presentation facilities Fully equipped computing rooms Dedicated post-graduate social space with café bar, games room & lounge areas Quiet study areas Student meeting rooms
UCLL Leuven BANABA students: Coventry University Engineering & Computing Post Graduate Study options for 2015-16
Your Contacts Phil Southey - Course Director for: MSc Supply Chain Management ECT029 MSc Engineering Business Management ECT026 p.southey@, Tel +44 (0)2477 658871 Nick Wright - Course Director for: MSc Global Logistics ECT117 Tel +44 (0)7557 425426 (68 5426 from Internal and Mobile University Telephones) Richard Anderson - Course Director for: MSc Engineering and Management ECT027 Tel +44 (0)2477 658006
OK For UCLL BANABA Logistics Students (needs M22AAE APL’d) Supply Chain Management ECT029 STUDY OPTIONS IN SEMESTER 1 (*SCM = MANDATORY) (DRAFT - TBC): Project Dissertation (M99EKM) Study Skills and Research Methods (M04EKM) Lean Supply and Quality Management (M20AAE) (Semester 1) Logistics & Supply Chain Operations (M01AAE) (Semester 1) APL TBC Project Management (M28EKM) (Semester 1, 2) Supply Chain Management (M25EKM) (Semester 1) EXEMPTED MODULES (APLs) – (DRAFT to be confirmed): Supply Chain & Logistics Economics (M22AAE) (Sem2) APL TBC *SCM Sustainability and the Environment (M30AAE) (Semester 2) Purchasing Management (M54EKM) (Semester 2) Contracting Management (M55EKM) (Semester 2)
OK For UCLL BANABA Comms & Mktg Students (only if M56 & M69 APL’d) Engineering & Management ECT027 STUDY OPTIONS IN SEMESTER 1 (*E&M = MANDATORY) (DRAFT - TBC): Project Dissertation (M99EKM) Study Skills and Research Methods (M04EKM) Supply Chain Management (M25EKM) (Semester 1) Management of Quality (M29EKM) (Semester 1) Logistics & Supply Chain Operations (M01AAE) (Semester 1) Financial Decision Making and Risk Analysis (M21EKM)(Semester 1) *E&M Leadership & People Management (M22EKM) (Semester 1) *E&M Project Management (M28EKM) (Semester 1, 2) *E&M EXEMPTED MODULES (APLs) – (DRAFT to be confirmed): Entrepreneurship& Innovation for Engineers (M56EKM) (S2) APL TBC*E&M Global Engineering Strategy (M69EKM) (Semester 2) APL TBC Financial Decision Making and Risk Analysis (M21EKM) (Semester 1)*E&M
Mode of Study PG Cert 4 modules (60 credits) PG diploma 4 modules (60 credits) MSc Dissertation plus Research methods (50 credits + 10 credits) Semester 1 Sept-Jan: 4 modules Research methods Semester 2 Jan-May: 4 modules exempted (APLs) Semester 3 May-Aug: Dissertation UCLL Leuven students will be exempted from 4 modules (APLs to be identified)
Module Lecture Styles Typically you will receive 1 hour lecture plus 2 hours tutorials for each module 15 hours contact time plus 20 hours self study per week Different lecture styles will be adopted, including: Traditional lecture Group work Case study Activity led learning And various others
Assessment - modules Typically by: Assignments Mini tests (during scheduled lectures) Presentations Group Work On line tests Case studies Portfolio And others
Project Dissertation Students identify and investigate a topic/ issue for approx 3 months at the end of taught module period Topic of your choice Must demonstrate a high level of original work Enables the student to ‘show case’ his/her new skills
Coventry University- Post Graduate We are very proud of our students when they graduate with a Coventry University MSc degree WE WELCOME YOU AND WISH YOU EVERY SUCCESS GOOD LUCK!