Who Should Be Evaluated? All HEO EMPLOYEES  13.3b  One year appointment  Two year appointment  Substitute.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Should Be Evaluated? All HEO EMPLOYEES  13.3b  One year appointment  Two year appointment  Substitute

Barriers to Effective Performance Evaluation  Evaluating performance can raise uncomfortable feelings  Dislike “confrontation”  Risk of offending the employee  Too busy with other pressing issues  Unsure of who should conduct the evaluation

Barriers to Effective Performance Evaluation  Lack of confidence; inability to write an effective evaluation  The form is intimidating – takes too much time to complete  Evaluating substitute employees or employees with 13.3b is difficult

PE Form Competencies - for HEO Series Personnel  In 1999 CUNY revised performance evaluation tool for HEO series.  Previous evaluation tool was open ended and provided little consistency in standards of performance.  In 2001 Brooklyn College began using the revised evaluation tool, which adopted a competency based approach.

What Is a Competency? A competency defines what a person should know, be able to do, AND a pattern of behavior that represents what the best people do most often to achieve superior results.

Types of Competencies  Communication  Interpersonal  Customer Service  Professionalism  Diversity  Management  Leadership Core Competencies represent those patterns of behavior related to performance that apply to most HEOs.

Types of Competencies  Domains of responsibility and domain competencies are part of the competency model for performance management developed for the HEO title series.  The domains represent areas of responsibility within the University that require similar sets of skills.

Types of Competencies  Examples of Domains of Responsibility:  Academic Computing, Library Technology and Senior IT Management  Admissions and Recruitment  Facilities Management and Space Planning

Types of Competencies  Domain competencies are those patterns of behavior related to performance that are more closely associated with one’s professional area of expertise, e.g. institutional advancement or facilities management.

Types of Competencies  Analytical Thinking  Coaching/Mentoring  Creative/Innovative  Detail Oriented  Fact Finder/Investigator  Marketing  Mental Dexterity  Negotiator/Influences Others  Quantitative orientation  Risk-taker  Systematic Thinking

Value of Using Competency Based Approach  Helps clarify what doing the job well looks like.  Easier to give employee feedback on expectations and outcomes.  Because approach is behavioral, allows for better understanding of how performance of the job differs from one person to the next.

Summary of Competencies  Competencies are a way to define patterns of performance behavior in such a way that allows for:  Discussion of desired and expected performance  Potential areas for development  Giving the employee a clearer picture of what you define as doing the job well

Performance Evaluation Conference  A critical component of the evaluative process  Provides supervisor and employee an opportunity to engage in an open and constructive discussion regarding:  The employee’s job performance  Accomplishments  Areas of needed improvement  Training and development  Future performance goals and expectations

Performance Evaluation Conference  During the meeting the supervisor should: Solicit the employee’s comments and suggestions Solicit the employee’s comments and suggestions Create an atmosphere in which the employee is encouraged to speak candidly Create an atmosphere in which the employee is encouraged to speak candidly Reply to suggestions or observations Reply to suggestions or observations

Preparing for the PE Conference Review last year’s evaluation. Review last year’s evaluation. Review job duties and responsibilities. Review job duties and responsibilities. Create list of special assignments or Create list of special assignments or projects (completed or not) and how projects (completed or not) and how well they were accomplished. well they were accomplished. List out examples that illustrate core List out examples that illustrate core and domain competencies. and domain competencies.

Preparing for the PE Conference Determine where the person is doing well and where there are performance gaps. Determine where the person is doing well and where there are performance gaps. Think about possible developmental activities such as: Think about possible developmental activities such as: CoachingCoaching Reading articlesReading articles Job shadowingJob shadowing Attending lectures or workshopsAttending lectures or workshops

Preparing for the PE Conference Give employee notice of the meeting Give employee notice of the meeting Do not complete the evaluation form beforehand. Do not complete the evaluation form beforehand. Meet, be open to the other’s point of view. Meet, be open to the other’s point of view.

Preparing for the PE Conference After the meeting, complete the Performance Evaluation Memorandum. After the meeting, complete the Performance Evaluation Memorandum. Give employee a copy of evaluation for review, comment and signature. Give employee a copy of evaluation for review, comment and signature. Submit completed review to next level supervisor, if appropriate. Submit completed review to next level supervisor, if appropriate. Send to Human Resources. Send to Human Resources.

Other Considerations  While reviewing the job description: If the duties and responsibilities have changed-If the duties and responsibilities have changed- And that change has been continuous over time-And that change has been continuous over time-  Contact HR for a consultation to determine if the change actually falls outside the scope of the previous job description.  Identify goals and objectives on which the employee will be measured in the next review

Other Considerations  An example of these would include:  Projects  New initiatives  Process improvements related to the department  College and University goals and objectives  These would be over and above the accountabilities outlined in their job description.  This would also be a good time to review the employee’s time & leave record.

HEO Evaluation Schedule  Section 18.3(b) of the Agreement between The City University of New York and the Professional Staff Congress requires that every member of the non-teaching instructional staff have an evaluation conference at least once each year.

HEO Evaluation Schedule  In order to complete the evaluation process in a timely fashion and to evaluate all employees effectively – including those not subject to annual reappointment – beginning Fall 2003, the evaluation period for all HEO series personnel will be from January 1 st to December 31 st.

HEO Evaluation Schedule  Evaluations for the period of January 1, 2003 through December 1, 2003 are due in the Office of Human Resource Services no later than January 31,  If you have already held an evaluation conference during 2003, the evaluation period would begin with the end date of the last evaluation and end on December 31st.

Summary  The Competency Based Performance for HEO series personnel is intended to:  Give more clarity to the discussion of performance standards  Facilitate the evaluation process  Encourage more meaningful developmental activities.

Handouts Performance Management Memorandum Performance Management Memorandum CORE Competencies (including examples of typical behaviors for specific titles) CORE Competencies (including examples of typical behaviors for specific titles) Domains of Responsibility - HEO Title Series Domains of Responsibility - HEO Title Series Domain Competencies Domain Competencies Time & Leave Information Time & Leave Information

If You Need Help or Have Additional Questions Contact: Barbara Lawson or Debra Quashie Extension 5161