10-1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Networks and Channels: Wholesaling and Logistics
15-2 Chapter Questions What is a marketing channel system and value network? What work do marketing channels perform? What major types of marketing intermediaries occupy this sector? What decisions do companies face in managing their channels?
15-3 Marketing Channels Sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption.
15-4 Examples of Channels Dell (DTC) Avon Canada Post Grainger (auto parts network) Coca-cola (bottlers) McDonald’s restaurants (franchisee)
15-5 Increasing Efficiency
15-6 Consumer Marketing Channels
15-7 Channel Service Outputs Lot size Waiting/delivery time Spatial convenience Product variety Service backup
16-8 Wholesaling Functions Selling and promoting Buying and assortment building Bulk breaking Warehousing Transportation Financing Risk bearing Market information Management services and counseling
16-9 Wholesalers’ Marketing Decisions Target market Product assortment Price Promotion Place