Sanaathana Saarathey Saiesha O Lord Sai; Our body is the chariot and You are the Eternal Charioteer; You guide us from within and help us to realize the self as Divine
Sarvotthama Guna Nidhey Paramesha O Supreme Lord Sai, You are the Lord beyond the limitations of space, time and object; You are the repository of all virtues
Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Ram O Supreme Lord Sai Rama
Suramuni Vandita Saadhu Jana Poshita You are worshipped by all saints (Rishis) and sages; You look after the welfare of all holy men
Sarva Janashraya Saiesha You are affectionate towards people who seek Your refuge and shelter
Sadguru Deva Sachidananda O Noble Preceptor; You are the embodiment of Existence, Awareness and Absolute Bliss
Saashtaanga Sharanam Mama Guru Deva O my Divine Preceptor, I prostrate in total surrender and take refuge in You
Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Ram O my Supreme Lord Sai Ram