Incorporating Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom Jennifer Buckler Sandy Farrar Jessica Martin
why kids NEED technology: Social & Emotional Development Responsive Interaction=Participation
why kids NEED technology: Language Development Oral & Written=Thoughts, Feelings, & Emotions
why kids NEED technology: Motor Development Focus & Engagement
why kids NEED technology: Cognition & General Knowledge Opportunity to Interact
why kids NEED technology: Approaches Toward Learning Learning Styles
why kids NEED technology: Learning NEEDS to be Fun! Technology is Fun!
Technology Reward #1 Communication
Technology Reward #2 Social Interaction Image Source:
Technology Reward #3 Learner Achievement Image Source:
Technology Reward #4 Children with Special Needs Image Source:
Technology Reward #5 Student Motivation
Technology Reward #6 Family Involvement Image Source:
Incorporating Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom Kids Need It! Essential! Many Rewards! Image Source: