Verry Nice! High-Five! Mid-Semester Demo Yoojin Kwak Michael Preysman Ruben Quintero Russell Savage
Recap Concept Portable communication device for use within industrial, collaborative work environment Send audio (possibly picture) information to groups of people For use in nuclear facilities where radios are not used due to sensitive equipment
Basic architectural diagram
Detailed architectural diagram
Software Architecture Diagram
Status Update Received Hardware (yesterday)!! No longer using Bluetooth Initial Base Server GUI completed Preliminary communication over wireless and relaying through the base station Able to overlay signals
Mid-Semester Demo
Next Steps Get laptop code working with gumstix Start/Finish Group Management code Increase/test number of users base station can handle Quality of Service testing over CMU network 곽유진 & 마이크 & 류밴 & 러썰
Major risks associated Major risks centered around network Network traffic How much bandwidth/users Latency Back and forth between base station Packet loss Impact on overlaying signals Interference Potential obstacles, etc. Seamlessness Packet transition between different nodes Hardware; software; usability
Risk Mitigation Fundamental Risks Must be able to seamlessly have a conversation Packet loss cannot be an issue Latency must be below.5 seconds Ancillary risks Nice to have >10 users No hardware issues
Risk Mitigation
Lessons Learned Java is sweet, Gumstix is not. Bluetooth development support for connection profiles is non-existent/hard to find. Network delays are larger than expected even on WiLAN. 44 lobsters CAN be eaten in 12 minutes.
Tentative Schedule
The End!