Local Self Government in environmental management Jadranka Ivanova Head of EU Department Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
What laws for the Local Self - Government Units?? I am the Law in the Municipality !!! I won the elections in order to be the Law, not to respect Laws !!!
Basic Principals – EC of LSG The European Charter on Local Self-Government was passed by the Council of Europe in 1985 Public matters should be primarily performed by the authorities closest to citizens When delegating competencies to be transferred from central to municipal government control, local authorities may adjust the execution of their delegated duties to local circumstances. When doing so, they should nonetheless always meet predetermined standards. When central authorities plan and make decisions that concern local authorities, they should consult widely and in a timely manner
EU integration process With the EU accession process laws have to be aligned with the EU legislation New competencies for the central government even more for the local government Decentralization process in Macedonia started 2002 Approximation process in environment in Macedonia started in 2002
EU integration process LSG – Mayors – We want more, we want all!! Central Government – We will think about it - what shell we give to you! Result: Balance was achieved! (we hope) EU integration is purely domestic matter, where local and central authorities have equal responsibilities EU integration is not solely foreign policy issue
Responsibilities of LSG in environment Protection of Nature and the Environment Under the legal framework, municipalities are responsible for: protecting drinking water supplies; preventing the pollution of soil, air and water; protecting nature; preventing noise pollution; and preventing non- ionic emissions. The Law on the Protection of Nature, the Law on the Environment, the Law on Air Quality, the Law on Water, the Law on Noise Pollution, Law on Waste Management and Laws on packaging, batteries and WEEE determine the measures that may be undertaken to fulfill municipal duties under these aforementioned responsibilities.
Basic Principals in environment Principle of high level of protection Everyone shall, when undertaking activities or while performing activities, ensure a high level of protection of the environment and the human life and health. Principle of subsidiarity Municipalities, shall have, within the scope of their competences stipulated by law, the right and the obligation to undertake on their territories all measures and activities of environmental protection and improvement which are not under the exclusive competence of state authorities.
Basic Principals in environment Principle of integration The basis and objectives of the policy of environmental protection and improvement shall be integrated into all development and strategic planning and programme documents adopted by the bodies of the central government and the bodies of the municipalities. Principle of precaution If there is a rational doubt that a certain activity may cause harmful consequences on the environment, necessary measures for protection of the environment shall be undertaken, before available scientific evidence that such consequences could occur becomes available. Principle of prevention Measures and activities of environmental protection shall be taken prior to the occurrence of adverse effects.
Basic Principals in environment Proximity principle The waste shall be processed primarily at the location of its generation. If cannot be processed at the location of its generation due to justified technical and technological or economic reasons, shall be transferred for processing or disposal to the nearest locations designated for that purpose. Principle of universality of service The universality of service with regard to waste management shall be provided through: non-discrimination; sustainability of the service; quality and efficiency; transparency; economically acceptable price; and full coverage of the area of service provision.
LSG - environment Horizontal legislation Environmental Impact Assessment on projects Strategic Impact Assessment on plans and programs Access to information Planning in environment – LEAPs Local environmental inspectors
LSG - environment Waste Management – prime competencies of LSG -Collection of communal waste -Transport -Landfills -Providing sufficient capacity for waste streams management (packaging, batteris, WEEE)
LSG - environment Integrated waste management can be sustainable with capacity of inhabitants In 2009 started PPP for waste management in four regions in Macedonia For two regions it is in final stage of selecting company -Construction of landfill -Establish integrated waste management -To use capacity of the existing Municipal Public Enterprise
LSG - environment Water Management - water supply - waste water collection - waste water treatment - management of bathing waters - flood management - erosion control
LSG - environment Noise Protection - measures for noise protection from facilities and small instalations - important for land and urban planning - important for health care
LSG - environment Integration prevention and pollution control - B – integrated permits – small installations - accident prevention – SEVESO Directive – important for urban planning Competencies in air monitoring and nature protection
Capacity of LSG LSGU in the Republic of Macedonia quite differ from one another taking in terms of number of population, which is from 3,000 to 500,000 inhabitants. there is deficiency of staff and financial resources necessary to respond to the key functions of environmental management difficult to provide sufficient trained personnel
Capacity of LSG Plan for institutional development of the national and local environmental management capacity (adopted by the Government in 2009) Provide guidance for development of capacity of LSG for environmental management Provide model of administrative structure for LSGU
Department for environment Unit for wasteUnit for watersUnit for environmental management Unit for inspection Unit for monitoring and information system SECTOR: WASTE Establishment of special departments for waste management with min employees Working tasks: inventory of waste generators; establishment and maintenance of cadastre of waste generators; reporting Working tasks: administrative surveillance of legal entities managing waste at area of the LSG- depending of the area Promotion of selection, reuse composting, raising public awareness Special departments- depending on the area and needs Working tasks: protection of bathing waters quality Working tasks: flood protection and other adverse effects of waters Working tasks:: water supply and drainage and waste water treatment SEA; EIA; Elaborates; IPPC; LEAP; Nature; NoiseInspection- authorized environmental inspectors Management of local monitoring network, information system, reporting Model- organizational structure for implementation of the environmental obligations within the local administration
Future Provide trainings for the LSGU staff Provide support in implementation of their responsibilities Provide financial support Provide guidance for performance of their competencies Include in decision making process Provide financial secure and independence of LSGU