Team Sponsor Defines team ’ s work boundary. Appoints team leader. Receives and reviews team reports. Reviews and critiques team recommendations. Visits and observes team meetings periodically to address concerns, stimulate motivation. Helps resolving team conflicts. Reports team results, secures funding, interfaces with the rest of the organization For ME 492/3: Faculty and Industry advisors
Leader / Facilitator Keeps the team focused Team leader ’ s tasks Keeps the team on track and performing. Helps team members get resources and data. Prepares and distributes team meeting agenda. Ensures agenda is covered. Solicits agenda items from team members.
Leader / Facilitator Coordinates meeting logistics Ensures balanced participation of team members. ME 492/93 : Rotating position among team members
Team Recorder Captures basic ideas. Asks people to repeat or slow down when lagging behind Writes legibly. Avoids taking over for the facilitator Ensures the notes are typed later and distributed to team members and kept as team records.
Team Member Completes agreed-upon action items. Participates in setting team goals and identifying tasks. Attends and fully participates is team meetings. Favors consensus-type approach to decision-making. Seeks solutions that satisfies the entire team. Supports the team ’ s decisions 100%. Helps other members get the data and resources they need.
Team Member Offers input for agenda items for the team meetings. Provides information and input without dominating the team. Assures his/her thoughts are well understood and captured accurately in the team notes. Is willing to compromise for the good of the team. Listens actively and strives to understand other viewpoints.
Running Team Meetings Plan the agenda in advance: meeting objectives Start on time and end on time. The recorder summarizes the discussions, agreements, and assignments at the end of each meeting. Assign action plan: Who will do what by when.
Team Meeting Agenda Format Information update Review meeting objectives Review action items from last meeting New data / information / discussions Plan action items for next meeting Summarize decisions and action items Assess the team progress