Documentation Group Jeff Stecklare – Team Leader Sarah Astle Nick Elliott
Product You will be receiving a modern web page that will require knowledge in the following areas: You will be receiving a modern web page that will require knowledge in the following areas: Cascading style sheets (CSS) Cascading style sheets (CSS) Detailed HTML code Detailed HTML code FTP (file transfer protocol) software FTP (file transfer protocol) software
Problem Now you are asking yourself, how will I EVER learn all this complicated stuff in a short amount of time... Now you are asking yourself, how will I EVER learn all this complicated stuff in a short amount of time... Try our simple solution!!! Try our simple solution!!!
Solution Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials!!! Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials!!! With the help of our simple and easy to use tutorials, you will have all the necessary knowledge needed to maintain the Potsdam Web Page with the greatest of ease. With the help of our simple and easy to use tutorials, you will have all the necessary knowledge needed to maintain the Potsdam Web Page with the greatest of ease.
HTML Tutorial Laid out in a simple table format Laid out in a simple table format Easy to use links for navigation Easy to use links for navigation Basic tags with descriptions and examples for each Basic tags with descriptions and examples for each Click here to find out what you are missing Click here to find out what you are missinghere
FTP Tutorial This tutorial is laid out in a PowerPoint presentation This tutorial is laid out in a PowerPoint presentation This tutorial includes: This tutorial includes: Where to find the FTP software Where to find the FTP software How to set up the FTP software How to set up the FTP software Basic functionality of FTP software Basic functionality of FTP software
CSS Tutorial Basic table format Basic table format Basic explanation of how CSS is useful Basic explanation of how CSS is useful This tutorial includes: This tutorial includes: Most common CSS properties that you might change Most common CSS properties that you might change An interactive CSS example An interactive CSS example
Conclusion In order to have a smooth transition from the old outdated web page to the new modern one we will be delivering to you, these tutorials are of the utmost importance. In order to have a smooth transition from the old outdated web page to the new modern one we will be delivering to you, these tutorials are of the utmost importance.
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