Business School School Board February 2008 Patrick Baynes
School Finance The Sources of our funding Major spend Financial regulations
Source of Funding Based on our student numbers £5,650 k International students £1,360 k Excess Fees £274 k Partner Colleges £62 k International Activity £322 k
Where it does it all go? £’000’s Staffing - Academic staff £5,746k Admin. Staff £1,052k VL’s £260k Staff Dev. and conferences £58k Travel and subsistence £69k Print costs and Ink cart. £191k Computing hardware £30k Software £40k Hospitality £40k Marketing £52k
Why I tooth suck so much or where you can help! Printing Telephones Conference claims via HOD Expenses
Financial Regulations Jan 2008 Gifts VL’s Travel & subsistence claims Not allowed – Professional subscriptions - Loss or damage to personal property