Sexual Risk, Drug Use, HIV Testing, and HIV Prevalence Among Young Men in California Reporting Recent Sex with Men or Transgender Partners: The California.


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Presentation transcript:

Sexual Risk, Drug Use, HIV Testing, and HIV Prevalence Among Young Men in California Reporting Recent Sex with Men or Transgender Partners: The California Hey Man Study Presenter: Juan G. Ibarra, MPH, MSW California Department of Health Services Office of AIDS DrPH Student at UC Berkeley, SPH

Principal Investigators Barbara Allen (1) Barbara Allen (1) Dennis Ferrero (3) Dennis Ferrero (3) Jeffrey Klausner (4) Jeffrey Klausner (4) Martin Lynch (6) Martin Lynch (6) Fred Molitor (7) Fred Molitor (7) Geneva Bell-Sanford(3) Geneva Bell-Sanford(3) Juan Ruiz (2) Juan Ruiz (2) Matt Facer (2) Matt Facer (2) Barbara Green-Ajufo (1) Barbara Green-Ajufo (1) George Lemp (5) George Lemp (5) Willi McFarland (4) Willi McFarland (4) Scott Morrow (8) Scott Morrow (8) Kimberly Page-Shafer (5) Kimberly Page-Shafer (5) 1-Alameda County, 2-State of California, 3-San Joaquin County, 4-San Francisco City and County, 5-University of California, 6-Contra Costa County, 7-ETR Associates, 8-San Mateo County.

Background Non-injecting DU has been shown to be significantly associated with HIV seroconversion risk (SF Men’s Health Study). Non-injecting DU has been shown to be significantly associated with HIV seroconversion risk (SF Men’s Health Study). Most affected are people of color, especially African Americans and Latinos. Most affected are people of color, especially African Americans and Latinos. Neighborhood characteristics (i.e., poverty and location) have been shown to be associated with progression to AIDS. Neighborhood characteristics (i.e., poverty and location) have been shown to be associated with progression to AIDS.

The Hey Man Study Partnership between the CA Department of Health Services, Office of AIDS, the University of CA, San Francisco, & the five county health departments. Partnership between the CA Department of Health Services, Office of AIDS, the University of CA, San Francisco, & the five county health departments. Population-based study of young men (18 to 35 years old) residing in low-income areas in five Northern CA counties: Population-based study of young men (18 to 35 years old) residing in low-income areas in five Northern CA counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Joaquin, & San Mateo. Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Joaquin, & San Mateo.

Objectives To assess risk behaviors, history of HIV testing, and HIV prevalence among a population-based sample of young men reporting sex with men or transgender partners in the previous six months. To assess risk behaviors, history of HIV testing, and HIV prevalence among a population-based sample of young men reporting sex with men or transgender partners in the previous six months.

Methods Eligibility criteria: Men aged 18 to 35 years residing in low-income neighborhoods in five Northern CA counties. Eligibility criteria: Men aged 18 to 35 years residing in low-income neighborhoods in five Northern CA counties. Census data used to identify a sampling frame of blocks below the 10th percentile of median income within the CA counties. Census data used to identify a sampling frame of blocks below the 10th percentile of median income within the CA counties. Team of trained outreach workers recruited men aged 18 to 35 by going door-to-door in randomly-sampled blocks. Team of trained outreach workers recruited men aged 18 to 35 by going door-to-door in randomly-sampled blocks.

Methods Outreach workers interviewed participants using standardized questionnaires. Outreach workers interviewed participants using standardized questionnaires. Available in either Spanish or English Available in either Spanish or English Informed consent obtained from each participant. Informed consent obtained from each participant. Series of items assessed the characteristics of participants’ sexual partners and behaviors within the last six months. Series of items assessed the characteristics of participants’ sexual partners and behaviors within the last six months.

Methods HIV was determined and confirmed by commercially available FDA-cleared immunoassays from blood specimens. HIV was determined and confirmed by commercially available FDA-cleared immunoassays from blood specimens. Participants were given $40 compensation for interview and specimen collection, and $10 for a follow-up visit for lab results and post-test counseling. Participants were given $40 compensation for interview and specimen collection, and $10 for a follow-up visit for lab results and post-test counseling.

Results Data presented is in aggregate form for five counties. Data presented is in aggregate form for five counties. Results pertain to 55 (n) young men reporting recent sex with a man or transgender. Results pertain to 55 (n) young men reporting recent sex with a man or transgender. 4.3% of 1,293 participants 4.3% of 1,293 participants

Results: Demographics (n=55) Latino32.7% White29.1% African American 14.5% Asian/Pacific Islander 12.7% Other10.9% 18 to 25 years old 41.8% 26 to 35 years old 58.2%

Results: Sexual Risk Sex with 2 or more partners a 61.8% Sex in exchange for money, drugs, or other things a 60.0% Insertive UAI b 75.7% Receptive UAI b 79.9% a-lifetime, b-past 6 months

Results: Drug Use a Methamphetamine50.9% Cocaine40.0% Ecstasy45.5% a-lifetime

Results: HIV HIV Prevalence 7.4% Ever been tested for HIV-antibodies 81.8%

Discussion Low-income young men from selected areas of California reporting sex with men or transgender partners are engaging in high-risk sexual and drug-using behaviors. Low-income young men from selected areas of California reporting sex with men or transgender partners are engaging in high-risk sexual and drug-using behaviors. HIV Prevention and drug treatment services are needed. HIV Prevention and drug treatment services are needed. Even though 8 in 10 MSMs have tested for HIV, the majority continue to engage in high risk behaviors. Even though 8 in 10 MSMs have tested for HIV, the majority continue to engage in high risk behaviors.