PPDG for CHEP031 Results of PPDG Site Requirements on AAA Project Dane Skow Robert Cowles PPDG SiteAAA Project CHEP03 March 25, 2003 PPDG Work Supported by the SciDAC Project of the US Dept. of Energy
PPDG for CHEP032 Summary Site-AAA evaluated current GRID toolkits with respect to Resource Provider needs Sites took on specific integration tasks as concrete tests of how well they could work with existing toolkits. Project advanced both site understanding of GRID infrastructure and developers’ understanding of Resource Providers’ needs. Significant follow-up work remains and should be included in the various Grid projects.
PPDG for CHEP033 Tasks Evaluated
PPDG for CHEP034 Community Large HEP Labs represented Integration efforts included working with “friendly” University groups. GRID scale integration tests just now beginning Clash of world views yet to be resolved Site policies Sponsor policies Legal requirements
PPDG for CHEP035 Operational Context Testbed efforts with kludged solutions Some eye to operational needs but mostly from reliability aspects, little analysis of efficiency measures.
PPDG for CHEP036 From Development to Production The GRID is protocols not implementations Time to begin standardization Integration work hampered by lack of documented standards for interfaces, protocols, libraries, etc. de facto touchstone is interoperability with Globus Toolkit.
PPDG for CHEP037 Reliability Most components still finding bugs in serious testing. CMS/D0 had many problems with GridFTP Default accept in GridFTPd non-root Weak encryption tending for grid-proxy-init Need to focus effort (integrators, distributors and developers) to eliminate bugs at appropriate point. When? We found proper bug reporting to be tedious
PPDG for CHEP038 Exception Handling Currently systems are operated assuming competence and goodwill (and that errors aren't costly). Need some level of validation effort at appropriate time The method for dealing with Exceptions needs to be specified as part of a Grid definition. Incident Handling Accreditation Service Level Agreements
PPDG for CHEP039 Outstanding Issues Authentication for Long Running Jobs Condor-G proposal looks promising (initial contender) Relies on Proxy Generation Service Standardize ● MyProxy (NCSA product) ● KCA (NMI product and FNAL project) ● VSC (Virtual Smart Card) (SLAC project) Authorization for Long Running Jobs No agreement on whether or how this is done.
PPDG for CHEP0310 Federation of Identity Who needs to know which PKI identities correspond to the same individual ? Resources that need to map different identities to same local account. Virtual Organizations that need to map different identities to same member and/or roles. Relying parties that want to correlate actions and/or block access to an individual. Accounting system for chargeback mechanisms ? What are the privacy issues ? Who holds the federation ?
PPDG for CHEP0311 Incident Response Real-time incident response expected through authorization control. Investigation, resolution, and feedback channels unclear. Who “owns” an investigation ?
PPDG for CHEP0312 Migration to OGSA Web Services is a new framework with richer communications. Some current methods should be re-implemented in new framework. Expect same level of integration testing/feedback will be needed.
PPDG for CHEP0313 Services GRID Level Services provide: Standards GGF working hard to transform into an IETF for GRIDs. Need to document specifications independent of a toolkit. National Level Services provide: Clarification of identity & privacy requirements. Integration with National ID systems ( is this planned ? )
PPDG for CHEP0314 Grid Instance Level Services Provide: Standards GGF standards allow for non-interoperable choices. Minimum standards required for interoperability de facto standard is Globus Toolkit Need: Software components (applications, libraries, etc.)
PPDG for CHEP0315 VO Level Services Provides VO membership and roles management Registration Service (for Resource Providers) Resource Brokering Needs Standard method of asserting authorizations Standard interfaces with Resource Providers Registration Standard Resource Descriptions (incl. Authorization requirements
PPDG for CHEP0316 Resource Provider Services Provides Minimum standard policy requirements Local Policy Enforcement Point of Contact for Incident Response Needs Policy description schema Local Policy Enforcement Callout Points of contact for VOs and CAs Authentication Method Description
PPDG for CHEP0317 GRID Resource Services Provide Fine-grained access control Accounting information Grid transaction support Need Attribute information Authorization services
PPDG for CHEP0318 Transaction Services Provide Error handling Need Authorization Services
PPDG for CHEP0319 Expected Community Growth Growth of Current Communities Current active PKI community is ~few 100s in HEP Expect 10X demand within year Interested Parties LHC collaborations Current Large Collaborations (BaBar, CDF, D0) Current Distributed Collaborations (SDSS, LIGO, AUGER,...)
PPDG for CHEP0320 Trust Relationships Timescale Negotiations contain a good deal of detailed discussion, terminology checks, and verification. Start in pair-wise fashion and allow 6 months Establishing Bona Fides Peer review process has been very helpful in understanding community practices and consensus solutions Maintenance Agreements will tend to decay and periodic checks against “as built” implementations are required. Method of establishing personal contacts
PPDG for CHEP0321 eCommerce Parallels eCommerce relies on 2 key aspects: Requestor provides identity that can be billed charges appropriate to the request. Credit card company insures resource providers against loss. What are possible losses in Grids ? Loss of Grid Resource consumables Liability for misuse Manpower for troubleshooting
PPDG for CHEP0322 Conclusions Requirements exercise useful earlier in development Integration testing useful about now in development Written Specifications and Standards needed. Most items needed for Production quality are also needed to handoff code to vendors. Problems largely due to (anticipated) success.
PPDG for CHEP0323 What needs to be done next? Authorization framework definitions Push Globus/EDG/PRIMA/FNAL collab Interface definitions Globus and GGF drive Virtual Organizations remain virtual EDG and BNL projects Authentication refresh (long running jobs) Push Condor-G/MyProxy collab Incident handling What forum ? Who drives ? Private Key management for the masses KCA/VCS/MyProxy activities are interesting Restricted execution environment