MIS 5241 Systems Analysis
MIS 5242 Agenda Why Systems Analysis? Precursors of Analysis The Process of Systems Analysis The Products of Systems Analysis Summing It Up
MIS 5243 Why Systems Analysis Use of a System All systems have a life cycle. Start with “using” Change Generally a change in the environment uncovers needs Implications of Change These needs are manifested in suboptimal action Reaction to Implications A match must be found between what is and what should or can be
MIS 5244 Basic Problem Solving Use of a System Accumulate experience with a system Change Notice gap, document it Implications of Change Try to characterize gap systematically Reaction to Implications Describe what has to be changed to cope See Think Say
MIS 5245 Precursors of Analysis Experience with existing system –There might not be an existing system Environment or system changes –Neither is more likely Someone notices or anticipates effects of changes A systematic study is called for
MIS 5246 Process of Systems Analysis Document current system Detail “symptoms” Determine alternatives Evaluate alternatives (feasibility) Select or prioritize alternatives Create logical design (functions) Create physical design (processes) User Involvement T I M E
MIS 5247 Activities in the Process Detailed observation of users Interviews with users Economic, process evaluation Feasibility study (time, money, will, technical) Alternative evaluation Charting, functional specification Process design
MIS 5248 Roles in the Process Client and client management Users (current and/or planned) Other stakeholders Systems analysts Facilitators Prototypers* or builders * In prototyping, a mock system is constructed and continuously modified until it meets user needs. The result is an “implicit” model of what must actually be constructed. Prototypes are rarely efficient and generally have to be optimized by technical people.
MIS 5249 Products of Systems Analysis Document Current System System Description Determine User Needs User Requirements Generate & Evaluate Alternatives Feasibility Study Determine Functionality Logical Specs Usually text, sometimes charts Various graphical formats Text, system diagrams Technical charts, flowcharts, data flow diagrams, various data representation charts, process charts
MIS Summing It Up Driven by organizational needs Based on system theory User involvement falls during SA Client is in control Methods are technical Generally work is collaborative, but might not always be SA is part of a larger, more complex process