Algorithm Animation for Bioinformatics Algorithms
Recap Gato Bioinformatics and Gato Gato on the Web Gato on the iPad
Gato Graph Animation Toolbox Features Gred (Graph Editor) – create your own graph Gato Upload graphs and algorithms Step through algorithms Animation Color vertices and edges Insert and delete labels, edges, and vertices
Bioinformatics and Gato
Phylogenetic Trees : Demo
Ultrametric Tree Problem Definition : Let D be a symmetric nxn matrix of real numbers. An ultrametric tree for D is a rooted tree T with these properties : T contains n leaves, each labeled by a unique row of D Each internal node of D is labeled by one entry from D and has at least two children Along any path from root to leaf, numbers labeling internal nodes strictly decrease For any two leaves of i,j of T, D(i,j) is the label of the least common ancestor of i and j in T.
Gato on the Web Export animation to SVG Graph(s) Code Interactive GUI Animation history
Gato on iPad
That’s all!