How Social Enterprise Might Hold the Key? Melanie Mills Chief Executive SEWM CIC
Charity, Voluntary & Community Sector Social Enterprise Commercial, Private Sector Not for ProfitFor more than ProfitFor Profit
Approx 15% of post graduates looking to start a business want to start a social enterprise 7% of SE leadership have Directors aged ,000 CIC’s and growing 14% of all SEs are start ups 3X proportion of traditional business Civil society vision and Social Value requirement opening up opportunity for social enterprise
Our young people need every advantage in the current labour market The employment landscape is changing – all options need to be considered –Start your own –Be employed –CSR –Social Value Information is power!
Fuel your own interest & knowledge Consider the options for your customers, stakeholders,for your organisation & for yourself Help us to help you cultivate the next generation of Social Entrepreneurs Working together to ‘Do Business Differently’
The Business Network for Social Enterprise & Social Value