Welcome to the Mobility Colloquium a monthly presentation sponsored by
The ABCs of UTCM Melissa Tooley, Director University Transportation Center for Mobility
=The University Transportation Center for Mobility UTC Program Designated in SAFETEA-LU $1.5 million for 4 years “Improving the quality of life by enhancing mobility” more info: utcm.tamu.edu
How to Get UTCM Funding RFPP due by October 1, 2007 Types of Projects Research (these must include education and tech transfer components) Education Technology Transfer
Research Focus Areas Coast to coast and border to border mobility Rural public transportation Congestion management and mitigation Innovative financing
Helpful Hints RFPP format Partnerships with TTI and the academic community Collaboration with academic departments and programs on the Texas A&M campus with an interest in transportation issues Leveraging funds - especially with long-term potential Benefits beyond the life of the grant For research projects a clear link to Research Focus Areas meaningful student involvement technology transfer component
Timeline October 1 RFPP Submission Deadline October Executive Committee and Advisory Board Reviews November 1 Executive Committee Selects Projects for Formal Proposals December 7 Formal Proposal Deadline December 21Notification of Award
Questions? utcm.tamu.edu