Speed Cost Compatibility with existing H/W and other S/W Ability to import other files Quality of documentation Ease of learning and ease of use Error handling Technical support Update policy Online help or tutorials Evaluating factors for Software packages
Internet & Electronic Mail The Internet: It is the networks of network Uses:- government, academic institutions and businesses Support: , to access data from vast databases on thousands of subjects Web: The web, World Wide Web (WWW) is collection of internet pages. Pages:- text, graphics, sound, video URL (Uniform Resource Locator): Unique address for web page Example:- http- hypertext transfer protocol > transports the user to the desired site address or domain name is the address of the Internet Service provider.
Internet & Electronic Mail Top Level domain>-.com –For Commercial purpose.edu - For education.gov – for government.org – for nonprofit organization sa- country code Saudi arabia Jp- Japan In – India Web Site:- Individual location on the Worlwide web Home page – Main page of the site Web browser: the software used to access the internet Ex. Internet Explorer, Netscape, Search engine:- S/w that enables a user to search a words or pharases on the web. Ex. Google,yahoo