Flow and Magnetic Fields of Solar Active Regions in Photosphere and Chromosphere Na Deng Post-Doctoral Researcher California State University Northridge (CSUN) & Visiting Researcher Space Weather Research Lab, NJIT
2/35 TRACE White-Light MDI Magnetogram NOAA /06/06 δ-Spot multi-polar X2.3 flare Rapid Penumbral Decay Associated with Flares
3/35 Area 1 & 2 intensity suddenly jumped to higher level penumbral decay Area 3 intensity suddenly dropped to a lower level umbral darkening. Intensity Evolution
4/35 Interpretation ── Magnetic Breakout Model X2.3 Flare ─ Filament Eruption ─ CME Background is MDI magnetogram Color lines represent magnetic field lines After the flare, field lines open leading to filament eruption and CME. Field lines in peripheral penumbra change from more inclined to more vertical, which is related to penumbral decay and umbral darkening (enhanced magnetic field). (Antiochos 1999)
5/35 Active Region on 2003 October 29, X10 Flare Shear Flows along Magnetic Neutral Lines Penumbral Shear Flows along Magnetic Neutral Lines
7/35 Disc Center (DC) Bright penumbral grains and umbral dots move inward. Dark features in the outer part of penumbra move outward. Flow Field Evolution of a Decaying Sunspot
8/35 Divergence Line of LCT Flow Field
Present Work Study of Stokes Profiles of Photospheric and Chromospheric Lines Photosphere FeI & nm km Low Chromosphere MgI b nm Temperature Minimum Region
Doppler Velocities Derived from Stokes I, V and LP Profiles
11/35 Stokes Inversion Stokes Inversion based on Response function (SIR) Photospheric FeI & nmChromospheric MgI nm
Comparison of Inverted Magnetic Field at Two Heights
Use WFA to Derive Chromospheric Magnetic Field and Compare with SIR Inversion Result Works In Planning The Relationship among Magnetic Field Configuration, Penumbral Width and Evershed Flow in Photosphere and Chromosphere
Any suggestions are welcome