Student Counselling & Development Service Office of Student Affairs
Pre-trip Anxiety Honeymoon Period Culture Shock Initial Adjustment Mental Isolation Acceptance Integration Return Anxiety Re-integration Re-entry Shock Highs Lows Individual Variations
Emotional Resilience able to maintain a positive attitude, cope with strong emotions & stress, recover from adversities Flexibility/Openness open to & tolerant of new ideas & people different from us Perceptual Acuity attentive & sensitive to interpersonal relations, verbal & nonverbal behaviour, communication cues Personal Autonomy able to maintain own values & beliefs while respecting those of others, take responsibility for own actions & decisions
Travel & see the world Experience different cultures & environments Seek personal growth & development Improve competitiveness & career prospects Make new friends Others
Psychologically Anticipate cultural/environmental differences Feel positive about upcoming experience Feel confident about adjusting to the new environment Expect the unexpected Practically Have found out everything you can about the destination Have found out everything you can about the workplace Is well-informed about Hong Kong & CUHK Have acquired/packed everything that you need
Daily Living Feel disturbed & disoriented by the new sights, sounds, tastes, weather, etc. weather, etc. Feel dissatisfied with the living and working conditions Find it difficult to understand local customs/practices Miss your favourite comforts & pastimes Social/Interpersonal Have trouble getting along with your roommates/companions Find it difficult to communicate with the local people Feel anxious about coping with your work/colleagues/supervisor Feel alone & confused with too little guidance Overall Feel homesick, miss your family & friends back home Regret your decision to join the programme
Accept initial reactions as being normal Actively explore & participate Assert yourself appropriately Acquire information about help-seeking Build a balanced daily routine Befriend local people/travel companions Be open-minded & non-judgmental Beware of risks and dangers Cherish new cultural experiences Calm down when facing unexpected situations Consult trusted people when in doubt Confide in family & friends
Any experience that can Any experience that can Broaden your horizon Increase your self-understanding Enable you to see things from new perspectives Help you acquire new knowledge & skills Encourage you to make positive changes Build your self-confidence Challenge you to develop your potential Is a worthwhile experience Is a worthwhile experience
You joined the programme to seek new & challenging experiences, so try to embrace the novelty, diversity & adversity No matter good or bad, it will only last for a few weeks