SAP 運籌管理模組 實作四 銷售與配銷 銷售訂單. 操作練習 - 顧客主檔資料 Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Business Partners  Customer  Create  Complete (XD01)


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Presentation transcript:

SAP 運籌管理模組 實作四 銷售與配銷 銷售訂單

操作練習 - 顧客主檔資料 Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Business Partners  Customer  Create  Complete (XD01)

View 欄位輸入資料 Initial Screen Account GroupSold-to party Customer97xx Company code1000 Sales org.1000 Distribution10 Division00 AddressTitleCompany NamePU customer 1 Search term ½PUCUSTOMER Street/House numberNo. 200 Chung-Chi rd., Postal code/CityBerlin CountryDE Region11 Transportation zoneD LanguageGerman

View 欄位輸入資料 Control dataIndustryMBAU MarketingAnnual sales EUR in 1 Employee5000 in 1 Legal Status01 Account mgmtRecon. Account Payment trans.Terms of payment0001 ShippingShipping condition02 Billing document IncotermFOB Terms of payment0001 Tax classification1 Partner functions Bill-to party197xx Payer197xx

操作練習 - 複製顧客主檔資料 Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Master Data  Business Partners  Customer  Create  Complete (XD01)

View 欄位輸入資料 Initial Screen Account GroupSold-to party Customer97xx2 Company code1000 Sales org.1000 Distribution10 Division00 ReferenceCustomer97xx Company code1000 Sales org.1000 Distribution10 Division00

View 欄位輸入資料 AddressTitleCompany NamePU Customer # 2 Search term ½PUCUSTOMER Street/House numberNo. 200 Chung-Chi rd., Postal code/CityBerlin CountryDE Region11 Transportation zoneD LanguageGerman

操作練習 - 顧客訂單 Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Sales  Order  Create (VA01)

View 欄位輸入資料 Initial Screen Order TypeOR (statnard order) Sales Organization1000 Distribution10 Division00 SalesSold-to party97xx Ship-to party97xx Purch. Order no97xx PO data Complete dlv.V Delivery plant1000 Payment terms0001 IncotermsFOB MaterialPU-FG-Sxx Order Quantity

View 欄位輸入資料 ShippingDeliv. date Mat. Av. dt Load. date

實作練習 - 查詢完成品的庫存與需求 狀況 Logistics  Production  MRP  Evaluations  Stock/Requirements List(MD04) 欄位輸入資料 MaterialPU-FG-Sxx Plant1000