Wetland and Water Quality Project By: Chasity W & Roger U
Wetlands and why they are Important. Wetlands are lands that have water on them. The word is what it is. Wetlands are lands that have water on them. The word is what it is. They are important because they are the homes of many different species of creatures, provide hiding places for animals, and provide food for those animals. They are important because they are the homes of many different species of creatures, provide hiding places for animals, and provide food for those animals.
Salt Marshes 1. Coastal Wetlands 2. Between land and high tides. 3. Many variety of plants mostly grasses, sedges. 4. Provides food and shelter for many aquatic and land animals. 5. Areas of plants growing out of water.
Water Quality and Importance Water Quality is important for the fact that if water is significantly polluted fish and other aquatic life cannot survive.
PH For PH you could go and get a water sample and get the specialized PH test sticks, dip it in in the sample and watch what color it turns and that is how you test for PH.
Dissolved Oxygen Get a sample of water, take out the test vile, break the top off in the sample and compare to the other DO test viles.
Turbidity You use a Secchi Disk to determine how clear or cloudy, (specifically how many particals) the water is.
Temperature Use a thermometer to take the temp. of the air and water, you dip the thermometer in the water and keep there for about 30 sec. pull it back up and you get the temp. Use a thermometer to take the temp. of the air and water, you dip the thermometer in the water and keep there for about 30 sec. pull it back up and you get the temp.