In one study, 1 in 5 children received a sexual solicitation; 1 in 33 received an aggressive sexual solicitation (called on phone, sent mail, money, or gifts, asked to meet)
Criminals with criminally salacious intentions have been among the first to adopt new technologies Steganography: hidden pictures Criminals with criminally salacious intentions have been among the first to adopt new technologies Steganography: hidden pictures
Avatars: individuals can assume any personae
LANGUAGE A/S/L: age, sex, location F2F: face to face HAK: hugs & kisses ILU or ILY: I love you KFY: Kiss for you KOTC: Kiss on the cheek NIFOC: Nude in front of the computer A/S/L: age, sex, location F2F: face to face HAK: hugs & kisses ILU or ILY: I love you KFY: Kiss for you KOTC: Kiss on the cheek NIFOC: Nude in front of the computer
OLL: online love P911: my parents are coming into the room PAL: parents are listening WYRN: What’s your real name? OLL: online love P911: my parents are coming into the room PAL: parents are listening WYRN: What’s your real name?
TRADERS Trading porn
TRAVELERS Sexual offenders who use coercion and manipulation to arrange meeting with child/teen
LEGALITIES If 16-18, corrupting the morals of a minor Contributing to the delinquency of a minor (However, some states the age of consent is 17 or 18) If 16-18, corrupting the morals of a minor Contributing to the delinquency of a minor (However, some states the age of consent is 17 or 18)