COMPREHENSIVE MINORITY BIOMEDICAL BRANCH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Minority Institution Cancer Center Partnership Program (MICCP) California State University Los Angeles/City of Hope (P20) Partnership April 19 th, 2007 CSULA-COH Collaborative to Study Cancer Disparities Program Director: Mrs. Belinda Locke, NCI, NIH
Comprehensive Minority Biomedical Branch Dr. Sanya Springfield, Director, Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities CMBB Staff Dr. Nelson Aguila, Acting Branch Chief, Program Director, CMBB F31 Fellowship, MICCP Dr. Peter Ogunbiyi, Program Director Supplements, MICCP Ms. Belinda Locke, Program Director K Awards, MICCP Ms. LaShell Gaskins, Program Analyst Supplements
MINORITY INSTITUTION CANCER CENTER PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM MICCP Program Funding Mechanisms: P20, U56, U54 Target Areas: Research, Training/Career Development, Outreach, Education Goals and Objectives Build and stabilize competitive research and training capabilities at MSIs Create long-term collaborations between MSI NCI-CC in the areas of research, training, education and outreach Improve the effectiveness of CC in addressing health disparities in ethnic minority and underserved populations in the region it serves
CSULA-COH Collaborative to Study Cancer Disparities Components Administrative Core Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) Pilot Project Faculty Laboratory Mentors CSULA Students Focus Cancer Research Training and Career Development
CSULA-COH Collaborative to Study Cancer Disparities: Expectations Population Based Research/Career Development (faculty) Cited Joint Publications Joint Grant Applications Faculty Career Development Tracking Faculty Recruitment Faculty Membership with Cancer Center Laboratory Based Research Student Training, Distinguished Speaker Series, and PhD Preparedness Presentations/Attendance to Local/National Meetings Inclusion on Publications Tracking (name, level, involvement, outcomes) Increased Numbers of Minority Student PhD Program Enrollment
Funding Opportunities in Health Disparities Research CMBB Opportunities NRSA Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowship (F31) to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research NCI Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K01) NCI Mentored Clinical Science Award to Promote Diversity (K08) NCI Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Award to Promote Diversity (K23) NCI Transition Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K22) CTB Opportunities NRSA Individual Post-doctoral Fellowship (F32) – Contact, Ms. Nancy Lohrey K99/R00 – Contact, Dr. David Eckstein Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) R03, R21, and R01- Contact, Ms. Veronica Chollette Website: AACR/CMBB Minority and Faculty Travel Awards
Progress Report (PHS2590) Due 60 days before beginning of new budget period (9/20/ /31/2007; 5/31/2007) Summary Page of Achievements Project: Publications, Grant Applications, Trainees Response to Summary Statement Concerns Significant Changes/Justifications P20 Progress Including Mentor’ Statement
CSULA-COH Challenges Budget Restoration Summary Statement Issues: Evaluation Meetings and Decision-Making Details IAC Internal Functioning CSULA Student Recruitment to Pilots Faculty Release Time for Developmental Workshops
Save-the-Date Minority Institution Cancer Center Partnership Funded Investigator Workshop Bethesda, MD September 6-7, 2007
Contacts Ms.Belinda Locke Tel: Barbara Fisher