Data and Computer Communications Internet Protocols
Network Architecture Features Addressing Packet size Access mechanism Timeouts Error recovery Flow control Routing User access control Connection based or connectionless
Connectionless Internetworking Advantages Flexibility Robust No unnecessary overhead Unreliable Not guaranteed delivery Not guaranteed order of delivery Packets can take different routes Reliability is responsibility of next layer up (e.g. TCP)
IP Operation IP PDU Encapsulated with LAN protocol Go to Router X MAC address for Router X IP PDU Encapsulated with LAN protocol Encapsulated with X.25 protocol
Design Issues Routing Datagram lifetime Fragmentation and re-assembly Error control Flow control
Routing End systems and routers maintain routing tables Source routing Indicate next router to which datagram should be sent Static May contain alternative routes Dynamic Flexible response to congestion and errors Source routing Source specifies route as sequential list of routers to be followed
Datagram Lifetime Datagrams could loop indefinitely Consumes resources Transport protocol may need upper bound on datagram life Datagram marked with lifetime Time To Live field in IP Once lifetime expires, datagram discarded (not forwarded) Hop count Decrement time to live on passing through a each router Time count Need to know how long since last router
Fragmentation and Re-assembly Different packet sizes When to re-assemble At destination Results in packets getting smaller as data traverses internet Intermediate re-assembly Need large buffers at routers Buffers may fill with fragments All fragments must go through same router Inhibits dynamic routing
IP Fragmentation (1) IP re-assembles at destination only Uses fields in header Data Unit Identifier (ID) Identifies end system originated datagram Source and destination address Protocol layer generating data (e.g. TCP) Identification supplied by that layer Data length Length of user data in octets
IP Fragmentation (2) Offset More flag Position of fragment of user data in original datagram In multiples of 64 bits (8 octets) More flag Indicates that this is not the last fragment
Fragmentation Example Application data IP header is the same as origin TCP header is not duplicated – More is the same as original
Internet Protocol (IP) Part of TCP/IP Used by the Internet Specifies interface with higher layer e.g. TCP Specifies protocol format and mechanisms IPv4 addresses are 32 bits wide Its header is 20 bytes at minimum Uses doted-decimal notation (e.g. IPv6 Provides larges address domain; addresses are 128 bits wide Multiple separate headers are supported Handles audio and video; providing high quality paths Supports unicast, multicast, anycast
Dealing with Failure Re-assembly may fail if some fragments get lost Requires buffer Need to detect failure – but how? Re-assembly time out Assigned to first fragment to arrive If timeout expires before all fragments arrive, discard partial data Use packet lifetime (time to live in IP) If time to live runs out, kill partial data
Parameters (1) Source address Destination address Protocol Recipient e.g. TCP Type of Service Specify treatment of data unit during transmission through networks Identification Source, destination address and user protocol Uniquely identifies PDU Needed for re-assembly and error reporting Send only + 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 31 Version Header length Type of Service Total Length 32 Identification Flags Fragment Offset 64 Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum 96 Source Address 128 Destination Address 160 Options + padding 192 Data
IP Packet Format - TTL TTL (time-to-live) refers to the number of router hops the IP packet is allowed before it must be discarded. Each router that receives a packet subtracts one from the count in the TTL field. When the count reaches zero, the router detecting it discards the packet and sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message back to the originating host
IP Header The IP datagram contains data and IP address The IP datagram is encapsulated in a frame with physical address The header changes as the frame goes from one network domain to the next IP Datagram Frame Data IP Address
Encapsulated IP Packet in Ethernet Frame Ethernet Frame Carrying IP Packet MAC and Associated IP address
Encapsulated IP Packet in Ethernet Frame Ethernet Frame Carrying IP Packet An Ethernet frame containing IP information has 08 00 in its type field IP starting with 45 Hex indicates IPv4 with standard length of 20 bytes IP starting with 4F Hex indicates IPv4 with standard length of 60 bytes Remember: 24=16; 45= 0100 0101= One Byte Protocol Analyzer Display: 0000 00 00 C0 A0 51 24 00 C0 93 21 88 A7 08 00 45 08 0010 00 5A DC 28 00 00 FF 01 88 08 C0 99 B8 01 C0 99 0020 B8 03 2a B4 DD ….. Example: 99 is one byte 1001 1001
IP Addressing Two address types Physical address (the frame has the physical address) Embedded in the hardware (NIC, e.g., 00 00 11 00 11 33) Also called the Media Address Control (MAC) address Logical IP datagram contains the logical IP address To transport IP packets both physical and IP addresses must be known Static address resolution Dynamic address resolution How to map physical and IP addresses Local tables of IP addresses Centralized directory Address resolution mechanism Address resolution mechanisms ARP (address resolution protocol) – IP48 bit Ethernet address RARP (reverse) address resolution protocol are used to convert MAC to IP address and vice versa
IP Addressing – IPv4 A network address is divided into Netid and Hostid IP Address classification (number of hosts per network) Class Leading bits Network Address (Netid) Host Address (Hostid) Class A 0 7 bit (125)* 24 bit (16,777,151,750) Class B 10 14 bit (16,368) 16 bit (65,534) Class C 110 21 bit (2,096,896) 8 bit (254) Class D (multicast) 1110 Class E (reserved) 1111 * Some values are reserved!
IP Addressing Classification Network Address Host Address Multicast Address Network Address Host Address Reserved for Internet research Network Address Host Address
Example of IP Addressing Q1: Determine the network address for the following IP addresses: 1- (84 = 54 Hex = 0101 0100) Netid= Class A Hostid= 2- (144 = 90 Hex = 1001 0000) Netid= Class B Hostid= Q2: What type of IP address classification will a large organization with 1000 individual users in 150 dispersed buildings use? Class B
IP Routing Protocols Routing packets requires having knowledge about the network Partial (know your own neighbors) Full (know the entire network elements) Retrieving network information (network discovery protocols) RIP (routing information protocol): routing based on the least number of hops OSPF (open shortest path first): Routing based on number of hops, link speed, congestion
TCP/IP Stack Protocol Bridge Router IS used to connect two LANs using similar LAN protocols Address filter passing on packets to the required network only OSI layer 2 (Data Link) Router Connects two (possibly dissimilar) networks Uses internet protocol present in each router and end system OSI Layer 3 (Network)
Subnets and Subnet Masks 00 10 00 00 Subnets and Subnet Masks Each LAN assigned subnet number Site looks to rest of internet like single network Host portion of address partitioned into subnet number and host number Local routers route within subnetted network Subnet mask indicates which bits are subnet number and which are host number Allow arbitrary complexity of internetworked LANs within organization Insulate overall internet from growth of network numbers and routing complexity
Routing Using Subnets
Masking 3-bit subnet IP Address of B: 00 1|1 10 01 IP Address of A: 00 1|0 00 01 IP Address of X: 00 1|0 00 00 Subnet mask: 11 10 00 00 5-bit host Note: if we XOR IP Address of B & Subnet Mask We will have: 00 11 10 01 XOR 00 10 00 00 = 00 01 10 01 Host number is 25 00 01 10 01; 192 1100 0000, hence, Class C network (8-bit host/subnet) ! NetId SubNetId Host
Why Change IP? Address space exhaustion Two level addressing (network and host) wastes space Network addresses used even if not connected to Internet Growth of networks and the Internet Extended use of TCP/IP Single address per host Requirements for new types of service
IP v6 Header vs. IPV4 Features: Extended address space Note: IPv5 used for Stream Protocol- IP-layer protocol that provides end-to-end guaranteed service across a network. Features: Extended address space Improved option mechanism Dynamic address assignment Multicasting and anycasting Flow routing 128 bits 128 bits
Internet Addressing Over half million networks are connected to the Internet Network numbers are managed by ICNN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - Delegates part of address assignments to regional authorities IP addresses are given to ISPs and companies IP addresses are based on dotted decimal notation: IP address refer to machine’s own network when it is being booted (This host) broadcast on the LAN 127.x.y.z reserved for loopback testing
More about subnets…. Routers can be connected to multiple LANs LANS are divided into subnets each identified by a subnet mask: (… 1111 1100 0000 0000) 32-10=22 to identify the subnet! Mask: netID + SunnetID or /22 (subnet mask is 22 bit long) Subnets are not visible outside the network Example: Assume subnet mask is Subnet 1: Subnet 2: …000010|00 00000001 Subnet 3: …000011|00 00000001 Assume a packet’s destination is which subnet does it belong to? Mask: … 1111 11|00 0000 0000 Adrs: … 0000 11|11 0000 0110 Hence: the packet must go to Subnet 3
Classes and subnets… Classful routing is not very efficient Having IP address classes creates issues Addresses can be under utilized (Class A) Addresses can be over utilized (Class C) Management of addresses may be difficult Organizations can grow! Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) Allocate remaining IP addresses in variable-sized block; no regard to class! Use 32-bit mask! Uses a single routing table
Classless Routing - Example What happens if a packet has an address of Where does it go? O: ….1111 0000 0000 0000 AND 0001 0001 0000 0100 …. 0001 0000 0000 0000 ( How do you represent class B using CIDR? 16-bit NetID + 16-bit HostID /16
Network Address Translation (NAT) Addresses are growing! What is the solution? Use IPV6 Use NAT NAT: Allows using one IP address per company Internally new nodes can be added! How?
NAT Operation IP reserved addresses 10.x.y.z 172.16.x.y 192.168.x.y Receiving a packet from the Internet Sender Add IP address TCP will have the destination port (0-1023) The port determines which server on the remote (destination) side to process the packet NAT box: Using the PORT address in TCP, change the IP address to a designated address (10.0.01) Sending a packet into the Internet Changes to
NAT Issues… Addresses are not unique: many! NAT controls are the incoming and outgoing packets – reliability! NAT accesses TCP and IP layers – layers should work independent of one another NAT only allows TCP/IP or UDP/IP NAT does not support applications which insert the IP address in the body (FTP or H.323)
Internet Control Protocols IP protocol only deal with the data transfer We need control protocol to check the network ICMP, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, HDCP
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ICMP error messages are used by routers and hosts to tell a device that sent a datagram about problems encountered in delivering it Used to test the network Messages are encapsulated in the IP packet Has many message types Code field is used for subtypes
ARP (address resolution protocol) Exploits broadcast property of a LAN Each host on LAN maintains a a table of IP subnetwork addresses If the address can not be found ARP broadcasts a request Shouting: Who know about this IP address? Other hosts listen and reply The reply includes IP address and MAC Any interested host can learn about the new information
ARP Example Assume 1 is sending a message to 2 ( is the host Host 1 sends a message to Domain Name System (DNS): what is the IP address for What is the MAC address for Use ARP broadcast! Host 2 respond: it is E2 Host 1 maps IP and MAC; encapsulate the IP message in the Ethernet frame and send it Cashing can enhance ARP operation
ARP Example Assume 1 is sending a message to 4 ( is the host Host 1 sends a message to Domain Name System (DNS): what is the IP address for What is the MAC address for ARP cannot pass through the router! Two choices: Reconfigure routers to response to ARP (Proxy ARP) Send the message to the LAN router (E3)F1F34 – Each router looks are the IP address and passes it to the next node using the routing table
RARP and BOOTP Reverse ARP translates the Ethernet address to IP address A diskless machine when it is booking can ask: My MAC is; what is my IP? RARP broadcasts the question (destination address is all one) Not passed through the router! Each LAN needs a RARP server! Bootstrap protocol uses UDP and forwards over routers Mapping must be done manually in each router! Uses one server but harder to implement!
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP allows many and automatic configuration Replaces BOOTP and RARP DHCP sends a DISCOVER Packet What is the IP address for this MAC? Even when an IP address is assigned, how long is it good for? Before the IP address is removed find another IP address….called Leasing
Remember… This is My MAC; what is my IP address? RARP / DHCP This is the destination host name, what it is IP address? DNS Server This is the IP address, what is your` MAC address? ARP
References Tanenbaum Tomasi Text Book Comer Text book