A1- What is the pairing mechanism leading to / responsible for high T c superconductivity ? A2- What is the pairing mechanism in the cuprates ? What would be the key experiment to identify the pairing mechanism ? A3- Are there new ideas needed to explain high Tc ? A4- What is the most important unresolved mystery in cuprates ? A5- What are the excitations of the superconducting state ? A6- What is the relation of charge and spin density inhomogeneities to the mechanism of superconductivity in cuprates ? A7- If the same number of experiments were performed on copper as have been done in the cuprates, would we have a successful and widely accepted theory for copper ?
B1- What is the normal state of high Tc superconductors (well above Tc) ? B2- How do the normal state properties look like if superconductivity is suppressed ? B3- How does the phase diagram of cuprates look like if the lower dimensional (<3D) (local) order is included ? B4- Can we describe high Tc cuprates by theories, which only consider isolated 2D CuO2 layers ? How important is the coupling between layers ? B5- Why are the Tc of different cuprates different ? B6- Why is resistivity linear with temperature at optimal doping ? B7- How to interpret Nernst effect in cuprates and can it help to find the pairing mechanism ?
C1- How universal is the pseudogap behavior in cuprates ? C2- Is the pseudogap at the underdoped regime relevant to understand highTc or just a common feature to itinerant systems approaching the Mott- Hubbard transition ? C3- What characterizes the state to which the Mott insulator evolves when we destroy the Neel state with doping ? C4- Can we have a unified picture of the Mott insulator or of the pseudogap phase ? (ARPES, NMR, Neutron, Nernst…) C5- If the pseudogap region is an RVB, how does one go from AF to RVB ? If it is not RVB, what is it ? and how does one go from it to AF ? C6- Does the pseudogap “line” in the phase diagram correspond to a crossover or a phase transition line ? C7- What is the exact solution of the Hubbard model ?
D1- Is the non Fermi liquid behavior due to the presence of a QCP ? Why is this QCP always hidden by the SC dome ? D2- Is the pseudogap characterized by an order parameter ? If yes, are there two different ground states under the SC dome (QCP or not QCP…) ? D3- Are there experimental or theoretical evidences that an AF order persists in the superconducting phase and is only hidden by SC ? D4- Are there any cuprates that are both superconducting and ferromagnetic ? D5- Why is the phase diagram of the high Tc superconductors so unique to the CuO2 plane systems ? D6- If the phase diagram of cuprates is generic, why is it not observed in other oxides ? D7- How far is it possible to describe quantum criticality of HighTc cuprates and Heavy Fermions systems in the same model / by the same theory ?