Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee MICE status report Most of the technical progress has been covered in the open session except the spectrometer solenoids (see Mike Zisman’s talk) -- will not repeat here -- MICE in the grand picture of things -- Funding news -- Manpower issues -- publications and talks
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee MICE is a key R&D experiment for Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider. US NFMCC collab. is being integrated in MUON Accelerator Program (MAP) Completion of MICE hardware is part of MAP proposal
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Neutrino panel of CERN SPC (Initiated by a request by the UK delegation) now publicly available as CERN/2894, CERN/SPC/940 “Completing key R&D programs: (…) For the neutrino factory, continued contributions to the MICE experiment are important to demonstrate ionization cooling in a timely fashion for 2012/2013” also: important comments on IDS-NF etc… “Thus if Europe is to be competitive in the 2020’s it should concentrate on the R&D for a new intense source, i.e. the neutrino factory or the beta beam” + MICE status as CERN recognized experiment was extended to 2012 MOU being drafted “close collaboration with CERN RF team will be necessary” (in reference to the commissionning of RF amplifiers refurbished by CERN for MICE)
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Funding News Good news: 1.two proposals to NSF were recently approved -- NSF collaborative proposal by G. Hanson + coll. + new collaborators Welcome in MICE to Uni Chicago! -- NSF MRI proposal for RF equipment by Univ. Mississippi 2.MICE project at RAL is being augmented -- project engineer (Tarrant)+ assistant project manager (Bulloch)
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Spectrometer Solenoid reached ~full current … but lost a Matching Coil … this will unavoidably delay step II & III also calls into question either concept or execution of magnet something to learn for other MICE magnets. tests will continue (as well as thermal and He consumption measurements) MICE more global approach to magnets has been discussed not in the plan…
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Spectrometer Solenoids situation As described at CM26 the next attempt to run the “magnet 2” has led to a failure in the area of the low temperature current leads. It is becoming clear that the technological choice of cooling these rather large magnets with cryocoolers (cheaper and less space-consuming than a large fridge) requires near perfection in both design and execution. Investigations are continuing. Measurements were made to establish the heat loads and the Helium consumption – they are found higher than they should. The magnet is now open for inspection. A number of steps are being taken -- To increase/stabilize personnel working on the magnets both at LBNL and at RAL. -- Estimating cost of large fridge (unlikely to work, but checking) -- A working plan will be drawn in consultation with the solenoid review panel who will meet by video in the week of May2-5. We aim at having one solenoid in time to start step II in March Step III 3 months later. (working assumptions for the rest of the project)
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Concerns: 0. spectrometer solenoids (see Mike Zisman’s talk) 1. delays to the experiment are stretching manpower resources which are already too thin everywhere (i.e. both geographically and thematically) -- PhD theses -- Online group some irreplaceable people will need to be replaced within next 12 months -- MICE installation team at RAL 2. Power station upgrade: present installation will not get us beyond step III
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee At CM26 we had a successful schedule discussion: -- schedules were concatenated at the technical board -- discussed in the progress talks -- presented to collaboration on last day Andy Nichols prepared next iteration (next slide) MICE collaborators are well used to this schedule presentation and refer to it. Establishing schedule
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee
2010 run Main aims: complete step I -- commission luminosity monitor, proton filter (done) -- replace usage GVA1 with BPM1 (less saturation at high rate) -- understand positive and negative beam line -- complete emittance matrix -- optimize ratio of good muon/beam loss -- continue understanding of beamloss effect on ISIS activation Still a lot to do. Schedule delayed by decay solenoid but now cooling again. Still quite feasible if no other breakdown arises. Will use all time available until 15 August
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee THANKS to all MOMs
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Running MICE ~ Non-stop from now to 15 August MOMs, -- Beam Line expert -- other on-call experts -- shifters are doing a great job + we have taken quite a few data in 2008 and Book-keeping and data quality record has become an issue. Linda Coney has agreed to take responsibility for this. effort launched! -- MICE Online Group: Graulich, Graulich, Leaver, McWaters, Ellis, Hanlet, Coney. This is a crucial group (and will remain crucial!) The situation of some members is uncertain. We must ensure (fund) continuity. We MUST share the knowledge. Students are learning. -- Rapid analysis feedback is really important (quasi-online)
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Online reconstruction TofMonitor process Muon beam 10 Dec 2009
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee TOF paper was published (First paper using the MICE beam!) we are preparing first MICE collaboration paper Marco Apollonio has agreed to edit STEPI paper First MICE paper with full author list
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee =51 ps =62 ps TOF calibration from NIM A article
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Not to forget: beautiful technical progress and analysis results from 2009 data! TOF reconstruction efficiency at high rate to be investigated! Diffuser in G4MICE We now have REAL beam for simulations
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee posters accepted for Neutrino 2010 preparing for ICHEP 2010 in Paris etc…. Vittorio Palladino
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee The next six months - main milestones -- make a 16h exposure of beam to 5V beam loss and conclude on the possibilities for reaching 500 good muons per pulse -- complete emittance momentum matrix and understand dead time issues -- expose first EMR module to MICE beam -- realize and test *two* good targets -- complete PPS system -- understand spectrometer solenoid problem and define how to fix it; begin fixes -- complete diffuser and solid absorber fabrication (LiH) -- begin fabrication of first AFC module -- have plan for power station upgrade -- coupling coil fabrication organization between Harbin-Qi Huan-Shanghai and begin fabrication
Alain Blondel MICE Funding Agency Committee Conclusions 1.MICE continues to run and take data. ( P, ) matrix work to restart as soon as decay solenoid works Publication of results initiated. 2. MICE preparation for next steps is progressing in spite of delays. We must watch milestones. 3. MICE collaborative spirit continues to be excellent 4. we are really thankful to funding agencies for their continuous support that we do not take for granted!