Plant Anatomy Roots By: Becky McGuire
Plant Layout A. Roots B. Stems C. Leaf D. Flower
Plant Classification A. Angiosperm: produces seeds enclosed in a fruit Ex: corn, deciduous trees 1. monocot: one seed leaf (cotyledon) ex. Corn, grass 2. dicot: two seed leaves ex. Beans, trees B. Gymnosperms: produces seeds enclosed in cones
Root Functions 1. anchor plant 2. absorb water and nutrients 3. stores food
Root systems 1. primary root: short-lived, develops from embryo 2. secondary root: branches from primary root, fibrous root, becomes primary root 3. root hairs: extensions reach between soil particles; absorbs water and nutrients; needs care when transplanting
Root types 1. taproots: primary roots; reach deep into soil ex. Carrot, dandelions, oak 2. fibrous: no real primary roots; many fine roots, spread out at soil surface ex. Annuals, grasses, shrubs
Root types, continued 1. fleshy: become food reservoirs, store surplus food ex. Carrots, turnips, beets