Lake Superior State University Industrial Advisory Board Meeting November 3, 2006
ACTION ITEMS Responsible Control charts – need some data and examples for the proposed new class EG346 IAB members Recruitment activities – MACRO nights coming up this fall. Check out the LSSU website to see when one is located in your area IAB members IAB members to be involved in evaluating of the senior project presentations IAB members Senior Project ideas for send to David Baumann All Additional Notes: Please keep LSSU in mind: When your company is getting rid of old equipment. LSSU can use it for students’ classes, sale for parts, or other various items. When your company is looking to hire new people.
Chair’s report Chairman responsibility/nomination Spring nomination IAB survey
The Nominations Are: _________________ Industrial Advisory Board Chairman Election Spring 2007 Nomination Process: Any existing IAB members are eligible Self nominations are acceptable If you are nominating another member please be sure that they are willing to participate All nominations will be accepted and presented at the spring IAB meeting Any Questions you can contact the existing IAB offices.
Lake Superior State University School of Engineering and Technology Industrial Advisory Board IAB Chairperson Responsibilities and Term Limits It is the Chairman’s responsibility to oversee all of the activities of the IAB including coordinating committees. As the need arises, the Chairman shall appoint committee chairpersons. The Chairman is an ex-officio member of all committees and is eventually responsible for the completion of all committee business. He/She shall keep in touch with all committee chairs, facilitate the completion of their task, and if necessary, remove inactive committee chairs/members and appoint successors. The Chairman is directly responsible for the IAB meetings. Meeting Responsibilities include: Establish meeting dates, locations and times (coordinate with Dean of Engineering) Arrange meeting facility Finalizing meeting agendas Presiding over meeting
IAB Survey As of the Spring IAB meeting held on the campus of LSSU,4/28/06,the action item taken relative to the IAB survey was: The membership survey will be ed to all IAB members yearly. Results to be presented in the spring meeting of that same year. Do we still want to have a survey annually or perhaps every other year?
Simple Project Dean Morrie Walworth is our conduit to the University. He will assist in any project that can generate additional funds to the University, especially for the School of Engineering. examples: short term quick turn around projects previous examples: prints, one of a kind part.
LSSU IAB Recruiting Subcommittee Update Chris Conklin, Bob Andersen, Don Stephanic, & Dan Goodrich October 30, 2006
Major Points Direct recruiting support effort Indirect recruiting support effort Future
Direct Recruiting Support Effort MACRAO Calendar on schedule (updated early this season) MACRAO College Nights - Fall, 2006 (we had scheduled participation in 12 events this season) Follow up via the Admissions counselors Increased the number of IAB participants and MACRAO Events in Fall 2006 MACRAO College Nights from a year ago.
Direct Recruiting Support Effort Volunteers from IAB for Fall 2006 MACRAO Events: Bob Andersen Don Stephanic Chris Conklin Fred Berg Dan Goodrich Jim Gibbs Dave Allison Adam Lyon Ralph Larsen
Indirect Recruiting Support Effort Admissions/Alumni Association/IAB linkage Did not occur (not sure of status of this program)
Future Plans Continue to increase activity and participation within the IAB. Invite the admissions advisors to the senior projects & research projects final presentations. Continue to work with Admissions to determine role with Alumni Association/IAB with respect to support of Admissions. Continue to work closely with Admissions on 2007 Spring Recruiting Season and MACRAO events.
Follow up & Next Steps Preparation for the Spring 2007 recruiting season. Record any follow up offered during today’s meeting. Comments, Concerns, Suggestions? Volunteer positions are still open…
Scholarship Subcommittee Report Don Stephanic, Dan Goodrich
Scholarships Charlie Snyder scholarship For incoming freshmen Awards not renewable $27k fund balance 2 x $500 awards in Fall 2006 (first year for 2 x) 2 x $500 awards planned for Fall 2007
Scholarships Robotics scholarships For incoming freshmen Awards renewable in 2 nd year $275 fund balance 3 x $1500 awards in Fall 2005 (first year) 0 eligible for renewal 3 x $2000 awards in Fall x $2000 planned for Fall 2007 Funding primarily by SET Support needed!
LSSU Updates Morrie Walworth, David Baumann, Paul Duesing, and Jim Devaprasad
School Updates Morrie Walworth Dean, School of Engineering & Technology Enrollments Recruitment Scholarships Grants ABET Visit
Enrollment In general, across the state, enrollments in engineering and technology are down. Furthermore, LSSU enrollment is down about 20% over the last 5 years. SET enrollment is down about 35% over the same time period. There has been no director of enrollment at LSSU for the last three years.
Recruitment New Director of Enrollment Services Bill Eilola New regions for recruitment New Web presence Buying more names More high school visits Admits are already up 150% from last year. Engineering admits are 15% higher than they have ever been (2000).
Recruitment Faculty calling students Students calling students New articulations High School Skill Centers Community Colleges More scholarships
Scholarships Charlie Snyder Endowed Scholarships $500 Huizenga Scholarships $1,500 Robotics Scholarships $2,000 (renewable for 2 nd year) MSPE (matching scholarships) $2,000 SAME Scholarship $500
Grants Youth International Continental Automotive Systems Summer Robotics Camp Sponsorship 21 st Century Jobs Fund Michigan economic Development Corporation (MEDC) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Strategic Economic Investment and Commercialization (SEIC) Board Over $580,000 Prototype Development Center (PDC)
Prototype Development Center Entrepreneurial Activities Design Prototype Development Testing Consulting New Equipment New Staff
ABET Visit: September CE, EE (David Baumann) ME (Paul Duesing) Generally Positive Outcomes Nothing Officially Reported Expect all Three to be Accredited (August, 2007)
ABET Positive Comments Assessment Process IAB Quality of Senior Projects Happy Graduates Faculty
ABET General Items (all degrees) Concern about student knowledge of lifelong learning Concern about enrollment Concern about time spent in Senior Projects Concern about budgets Must publish objectives in the catalog
ABET Electrical Engineering Nothing !
ABET Mechanical Engineering Need to increase realization of design in the thermal fluids area
ABET Computer Engineering Concern about the lack of CE faculty members Need to ensure all graduates meet the minimum math/science and discrete math requirements.
Program Updates Curricular Issues New Option Faculty Activities
Curricular Issues David Baumann, Chair ECE CS341 New Course in CE Degree EG346 Control Charts MA310 Team Teaching With Mathematics Focus on Applications RS460 “New” Lab Format
New Engineering Degree Options Paul Duesing, Chair ME and MfgET Current Issues Ideas/Plans Related and Other Changes
Issues Attract Additional Students Populate Upper Level Courses Provide Path for Graduate School
Current Options
Future Options
Related Changes Four Courses for Options PLC Course for Robotics & Automation Option Assembly Modeling / GD&T for Vehicle Dynamics Option Dynamics In Electrical Core Other: New Gen Ed Class
Faculty Activity Highlights Matthew Carroll Paul Duesing Robert Hildebrand Dave McDonald Wael Mokhtar Taskin Padir
Faculty Activities Matthew Carroll Co-authored paper presented by Prof. Hildebrand at the 2006 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control in Querataro, Mexico EGNR245: developing and expanding course – a synthesis of all mathematical techniques beyond basic calculus needed by MfgET majors.
Faculty Activities Paul Duesing Attended the National Assessment Institute in Indianapolis,IN – Oct Presented paper entitled Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment to Accomplish Continuous Improvement Attended training session on coordinate measuring machines ABET: guru for ME reports and materials Continues to coordinate Cooperative Education experiences for SET
Faculty Activities Robert Hildebrand Attended the 2006 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control in Querataro, Mexico – August 2006 and presented two papers. Attended workshop in Kourou, French Guiana – May 2006 as external advisor to group of Finnish grad students: reviewed work progress, toured ESA Ariane launch site and tropical wood research station Translated Swedish textbook Sound & Vibration to English. Will be used at universities in Egypt, Sweden and at LSSU. Attended seminar of Vehicle Dynamics simulation software package for Fall 2006 courses.
Faculty Activities Dave McDonald Attended the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago – June 2006 and presented paper entitled Simulation Learning Experiences in Energy Conservation with Simulink and SimPowerSystems. Worked with WaveCrestLabs in Rochester, MI during summer – responsible for integration of instrumentation and control features of dynamometer test stand operation using LabVIEW and INERTIA software. Course development of EGEE300 Instrumentation and Control with Real Time Applications using LabVIEW, CAN-LabVIEW Channel & Frame API and synchronous DAQ & CAN, and MATLAB-Simulink (input on applications is welcome!)
Faculty Activities Wael Mokhtar Received Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Aerospace Engineering Department – May 2006 from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA Attended 2006 ASME Midwest Student Leader Conference in April (Wael serves as ASME advisor) Attended January AIAA 44 th Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit in Reno, NV
Faculty Activities Taskin Padir Attended 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics in Hawaii and presented a paper entitled Kinematic Redundancy Resolution for Two Cooperating Underwater Vehicles with Manipulators on Board Attended Michigan Consortium of Universities for the Saudi Arabian Students Initiative, Arab-American Museum in Dearborn Attended First-Year Engineering summer workshop at Notre Dame Consulting with Precision Edge - product modeling for CNC machines for precision surface grinding Co-Director of SET summer camps Active in Cultural Diversity activities and presentations
Senior Projects Jim Devaprasad
Senior Projects Last Year’s Projects Current Projects Philosophy Behind Senior Projects Course Enhancements In Senior Projects Overview of the Senior Project Selection Process
Projects: 4 Projects DURA Automotive Automotive Pedal Assembly Tester LSSU Mobile Robotics System Continental-Teves Frequency Input Modules for the SDAS LSSU CNC Plasma Cutter
Projects: Grading
Projects: LSSU’s Mobile Robotics System International Design Competitions ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (Ypsilanti, MI – Oct, 2006) 2 nd Place (1 st – U of Florida, 3 rd – U of Michigan) UPADI Pan American Conference (Atlanta, GA – Sept. 2006) Honorable Mention Award
Industry Sponsored Projects (3) LSSU Sponsored Projects (3) Senior Projects
Projects: Industrial Company…....… Continental Teves Contact………... Bob Andersen Advisor……..…. Paul Duesing Team…… … 2 CE, 2 EE, 2 ME Budget ………… $18,000 Description: Steering Machine Calibration and Test Stand
Projects: Industrial Company…....… DELPHI Steering System Contact………... Fred Berg Advisor……..…. David Baumann Team…… … 2 CE, 4 EE Budget ………… $30,000 Description: Universal Steering Column Validator
Projects: Industrial Company…....… Algoma Steel, Inc. Contact………... Rani Lottey Advisor……..…. Jon Coullard Team…… … 1 CE, 1 EE/ME, 1 EM, 1 ME, 1 MET Budget ………… $15,000 Description: Trailer Beam Tester
Projects: Industrial Company…....… LSSU Engineering Contact………... Jon Coullard Advisor……..…. Keith Schwiderson Team…… … 2 CE, 1 ME, 1 MfgET Budget ………… $10,000 Description: 2-D Plasma Cutter (Phase II)
Projects: Industrial Company…....… LSSU Engineering Contact………... Ray Adams & Paul Duesing Advisor……..…. Robert Hildebrand Team…… … 4 ME, 2 MfgET Budget ………… $5,000 Description: Mini-Baja – Chassis Design and Build
Projects: Industrial Company…....… LSSU Engineering Contact………... Ray Adams & Paul Duesing Advisor……..…. Wael Mokhtar Team…… … 4 ME, 1 MfgET Budget ………… $5,000 Description: Mini-Baja – Drivetrain Design and Build
Request for Feedback: Final Presentations Held same day as IAB meeting SPFB considers IAB evaluations of the Final Presentations This is your best opportunity to give feedback on the quality of the projects We request your attendance and evaluation of the Final Presentations
Senior Projects: Philosophy & Key Elements Transition from Academia to Industry or Graduate School Emphasis on Soft Skills Interpersonal Working in Teams Communications (Written and Spoken) Leadership Time and Project Management
Senior Projects: Other Key Elements Working with a Budget Interaction with Practicing Engineers Results are Based on Outcomes Academic Elements Ethics Writing Project Plans & Acceptance Criteria Formal Presentations Design Reviews
Senior Projects: Enhancements Being Implemented Development of a General Education Course Ethics Engineering Economics Project Definition and Plan Purchasing Plan (by early December) Order Parts by End of Fall Semester Track Hours Being Spent in Senior Projects
Senior Projects: Solicitation and Selection Process Solicitation Occurs Late Spring and Summer IAB Spring Meeting Alumni & Employers of Alumni Regional Industries and Small Business Development Companies Project Submittal Form is Sent Company Background Project Description Budget Technical Content & Required Expertise
Senior Projects: Solicitation and Selection Process Proposals Reviewed for Selection by new SPFB Mid- August Criteria Used in the Selection Process Project Well Defined? Can it be Completed in 2 Semesters? Budget and Support Clearly Defined? Faculty & Student Expertise Available? Laboratory and Other Resources Available?
Senior Projects: Solicitation and Selection Process Projects Selected Student Members Assigned Faculty Members Assigned Industries Contacted Kick-off Meeting Planned (Late August or Early September)
Closing Remarks Next meeting: May 4, 2007 at LSSU Campus