Summer School 2007B. Rossetto1 7. System of particles Center of mass 1 – Definition. If O is any point in the plane, the center of mass G of n particles A i, coefficiented by m i, is defined by: A 1 (m 1 ). O. A 2 (m 2 ). A 3 (m 3 ).. 2 – Characteristic property G. A n (m n )
Summer School 2007B. Rossetto2 7. System of particles Momentum 1 – Definition. Momentum of the sytem referred to any origin O: 2 – Property: from the definition of CM: A 1 (m 1 ). O. A 2 (m 2 ). A 3 (m 3 ).. G A n (m n ) Particularly, the momentum of the system referred to G is null:
Summer School 2007B. Rossetto3 7. System of particles Fundamental theorem (Newton 2 nd law) 1 – Action-reaction « principle ». Consider a system of n particles. From the inertia principle applied to the system, the sum of internal forces is null. 2 – Theorem of the center of mass: System or The CM moves as if it were a particle of mass equal to the total mass and if all the external forces were applied to it..G(M)
Summer School 2007B. Rossetto4 7. System of particles Angular momentum theorems (1) Theorem 1
Summer School 2007B. Rossetto5 7. System of particles Angular momentum theorems (2) Lemma The CM moves as if the only external torques were applied to it. Theorem 2. From the precedent results:
Summer School 2007B. Rossetto6 7. System of particles Theorems r CM : location of the center of mass referred to an inertial frame /Oxyz v CM : velocity of the center of mass /Oxyz P, L : total momentum, angular momentum of the system /Oxyz P/ CM, L/ CM : momentum, angular momentum of the system referred to the center of mass F ext, ext : external force, torque, M: total mass of the system
Summer School 2007B. Rossetto7 7. System of particles Relative motion and reduced mass Proof: The relative motion of two particles subject only to their mutual interaction is equivalent to the motion, relative to an inertial observer, of a particle of mass equal to to the reduced mass under a force equal to their interaction. Example: sun and eath isolated or earth and moon (isolated…)