Solutions for pellet production in medium size enterprises.


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Presentation transcript:

Solutions for pellet production in medium size enterprises

Project Funding A Northern Periphery Project (NPP) Overall Budget € 1.77 Million 60 % Intervention from ERDF Scottish budget € 600k ERDF = € 360k

Scottish Co-funders The Highland Council Highlands and Islands Enterprise Forestry Commission Scotland Orkney Islands Council Shetland Islands Council

PELLETime Consortium Four International Partner Countries Finland Iceland Scotland Sweden

PELLETime Consortium North Karellia University of Applied Science METLA (Finnish Forest Research Institute Joensuu Regional Development Centre University of Kuopio Oulu University of Applied Science Highland Birchwoods Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Herads and Austurslandskoger Icelantic Forest Service

Scottish Partner Formed in 1992 to promote best practice in the management of woodlands and forests Improve conservation and biodiversity values Deliver sustainable rural development Enhance recreational, landscape and amenity facilities

PELLETime Three Year Project Themes: Broadening the Raw Material Supply Materials handling and Logistics Pelletising trials and fuel analysis Advisory Consultation and Study Tours

Broadening the Raw Material Base Orkney and Shetland Agronomy Institute Orkney

Broadening the Raw Material Base Orkney and Shetland

Broadening the Raw Material Base Caithness Stakeholder group based on growers and producers GIS assessment of forest cover present and potential Working with potential investor in Medium Scale plant (> 50 kt / annum)

Broadening the Raw Material Base Orkney and Shetland Stakeholder group based on landholders and agencies Shetland Heat and Power GIS assessment of land cover for potential new crops

Broadening the Raw Material Base Caithness Stakeholder group based on growers and producers GIS assessment of forest cover present and potential Working with potential investor in Medium Scale plant (> 50 kt / annum)

Materials handling and Logistics Toolbox being developed to: match supply and demand Identify potential raw materials Inform investors and developers Inform growers

Pelletising trials and fuel analysis Willow sent to Sweden for pelletising and fuel analysis Results pending 2009 Arable crops harvested and sent for pelletising and fuel analysis trials 2009 Mobile pelletiser and to all areas for local trials

Advisory Consultation and Study Tours Autumn 2008 International trip to Austria and Germany. 20 participants 12 Scottish Delegates

Advisory Consultation and Study Tours Crops

Advisory Consultation and Study Tours Small Scale Pelletising

Advisory Consultation and Study Tours Large Scale Pelletising

Pellet Boiler Production facility Advisory Consultation and Study Tours

International Experts group visiting area in April 2009 Pelletising Demonstrations in Orkney, Caithness and Shetland Potential long term lease of mobile pelletising machine Renewable Heat Road Show Landholder Information days Leaflets Technical Advice Further Study Tours