Brief Time Gap From Rapture to Start of Tribulation Dr. David Smith
Dispensational Premillennialism Present Church Age 3 ½ years Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15; Mk 13:14; Lk 21:20; Dan. 9:27) Millennial Kingdom 1000 yrs Final Judgment Eternal State JESUS RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH Second Coming JESUS Daniel’s Seventieth Week
Note : The Tribulation starts with the signing of the 7 year pact by the Antichrist with the Jews in Israel ( See Dan. 9:27 )
The use of "And” ( Kai - Gk. ) in Rev. Ch. 4 through Ch seems to denote a continuous transpiring of events in almost a quick succession. Rev 5:1-4; 8,9; 6:1, etc.
Circumstances could already be in place in preparatory stages before the rapture to allow a short duration allowing for the Antichrist to take control.
The period of transition from the end of the era of Law (Eph. 2:14–15) to the beginning of the Church Age (Acts 2) on Pentecost. This interval lasted only fifty days ( from the time of Christ resurrection to the day of Pentecost ). The Rapture will undoubtedly cause political upheaval. The cry for peace will be heard !!
In Dan. 12:11,12 the 30 days and 45 days time gaps related to the end of the Tribulation and start of the Millennium. These fit perfectly with the fact that Jesus must have time to complete the sheep/goat judgments, as well as His initial delegation of responsibilities for those believers who survive the tribulation and will reign with Him in His millennial Kingdom.
75 Day Interval : End of the Tribulation to Start of the Messianic Age Content by Arnold Fruchtenbaum Powerpoint Slides by David Smith
75 - Day Interval TRIB. MILLE. Abomination of Desolation Removed Dan 12:11 Antichrist Resurrected Rev. 19:20 Antichrist & False Prophet cast to Lake of Fire Satan Bound into the Abyss Rev 20:1-3 DANIEL 12:11,12
75 - Day Interval TRIB. MILLE. Resurrection of Trib. Saints Resurrection of OT Saints Marriage Feast of Lamb - at the Very End of 75 Days Judg. Of Living Gentiles : Pro-Semitic Sheep / Anti- Semitic Goats DANIEL 12:11,12
References Resurrection of Trib. Saints - Rev 20:4-6 Resurrection of OT Saints - Isa 26:19 Dan 12:2
References Marriage Feast of Lamb - at the Very End of 75 Days Rev 19:9; Mt 22:1-14; Mt 25:1-13
References Judg. Of Living Gentiles : Pro-Semitic Sheep / Anti-Semitic Goats Mt. 25:31-46
Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire after the 1000 Years is over. Rev. 20:7-10