Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Query Processing Based on a SIGMOD’2002 paper and talk by Avnur and Hellerstein.
State-of-Art in Query Optimization Given: 1.Database state and statistics known a-priori 2.One (short) user query to process 3.Query may be run only once Query Processing: 1.A-priori decide on a (static) query plan 2.Run query using this one plan Also: 1.Possibly update statistics sometimes (in steady state)
Adaptive Systems: General Flavor Repeat: 1.Observe (model) environment 2.Use observation to choose behavior 3.Take action
Adaptivity in Current DBs Limited & coarse grain Repeat: 1.Observe (model) environment –runstats (once per week!!): model changes in data 2.Use observation to choose behavior –query optimization: fixes a single static query plan 3.Take action –query execution: blindly follow plan
Query Optimization –Adaptivity at a per-week frequency! Not suited for volatile environments
A Networking Problem!? Networks do dataflow! Significant history of adaptive techniques –E.g. TCP congestion control –E.g. routing But traditionally much lower function –Ship bitstreams –Minimal, fixed code Lately, moving up the foodchain? –app-level routing –active networks
Query Plans are Dataflow Programming model: iterators –old idea, widely used in DB query processing –object with three methods: Init(), GetNext(), Close() –input/output types –query plan: graph of iterators pipelining: iterators that return results before children Close()
Querying in Volatile Environments Federated query processors –No control over stats, performance, admin (DataJoiner) Shared-Nothing Systems –No control over “system balance” User control of running queries –No control over user interaction (online aggregation) Sensor Nets: the next killer app –No control over anything!
Varying … Computing resources –Data flows unpredictably from sources –Code performs unpredictably along flows –Continuous volatility due to many decentralized systems Data Characteristics –Distributions –Burstiness User preferences –What get fast –How much data
Toward Continuous Adaptivity Need much more frequent adaptivity –Goal: adapt per tuple of each relation?? –The traditional runstats-optimize-execute loop is far too coarse-grained –So, continuously perform all 3 functions, at runtime –Aim for adaptivity over best-case performance (as the later never exists for long)
Road Map Adaptive Query Processing Intra-join adaptivity –Synchronization Barriers –Moments of Symmetry Eddies –Encapsulated, adaptive dataflow
Adaptable Operators and Plans Moments of symmetry = query processing stage during which pipelined query operators or inputs can be easily reordered (with no or minimal state management) Synchronization barriers = require inputs from different sources to be coordinated and possibly restricted to the rate of the slower input We need “good” operators.
Adaptable Joins, Issue 1 Synchronization Barrier: merge join –Right input frozen, waiting for left –Can’t adapt while waiting for barrier! –So, favor joins that have: no barriers or seldom barriers at worst, adaptable barriers
Adaptable Joins, Issue 2 Would like to reorder in-flight (pipelined) joins Base case: swap inputs to a join ?? Moment of symmetry: –inputs can be swapped with no/little state management Aim for frequent moments of symmetry more frequent adaptivity
Adaptable Joins, Issue 2 Moments of Symmetry –Suppose you can adapt an in-flight query plan How would you do it? –Base case: reorder inputs of a single join Nested loops join R S R S S R
Moments of Symmetry –Suppose you can adapt an in-flight query plan How would you do it? –Base case: reorder inputs of a single join Nested loops join Cleaner if you wait til end of inner loop R S Adaptable Joins, Issue 2
Moments of Symmetry –Suppose you can adapt an in-flight query plan How would you do it? –Base case: reorder inputs of a single join Nested loops join Cleaner if you wait til end of inner loop –Hybrid Hash Reorder while “building”? R S
Moments of Symmetry, cont. Moment of Symmetry: –Can swap join inputs w/o state modification –Nested Loops join: end of each inner loop –Hybrid Hash join: never –Sort-Merge join: essentially always More frequent moments of symmetry more frequent adaptivity
Joins for Adaptivity –Pipelined hash join (hash ripple or Xjoin) No synchronization barriers Continuous symmetry Good for equi-join –Simple (or block) ripple join Synchronization barriers at “corners” Moments of symmetry at “corners” Good for non-equi-join –When symmetry: At corners, i.e., for each “new” tuple, once it has been processed using the given operator ‘s state R S
Beyond Binary Joins Think of swapping “inners” –Can be done at a global moment of symmetry Intuition: like an n-ary join –Except that each pair can be joined by a different algorithm! So… –Need to introduce n-ary joins to a query engine
Need well-behaved join algorithms –Pipelining –Avoid synch barriers –Frequent moments of symmetry
Continuous Adaptivity Goal: Eddies Avoid need for traditional cost estimation Avoid generation of a ‘good’ query plan Eddy
Continuous Adaptivity: Eddies A pipelining n-ary tuple-routing iterator (just like join or sort) –works well with ops that have frequent moments of symmetry Eddy
Continuous Adaptivity: Eddies Adjusts flow adaptively –Tuples flow in different orders –Visit each op once before output Eddy
Routing: Eddies Naïve routing policy: –All ops fetch from eddy as fast as possible –Previously-seen tuples precede new tuples Eddy
Schedule : Grab when Ready? –Two expensive selections s1 and s2 Selectivity(s1)=Selectivity(s2)=50% Cost(s2) = 5. Vary Cost(s1). –What expect? ? Does it make a difference at all?
Cost Factor? –Two expensive selections, 50% selectivity Cost(s2) = 5. Vary cost of s1. Favors faster operation
But is it Enough? –Given two expensive selections: Cost same, say cost(s1)=cost(s2)=5 Selectivity(s2) = 50%. Vary selectivity of s1. –Does that make a difference?
Selectivity-based? –Two expensive selections, cost 5 Selectivity(s2) = 50%. Vary selectivity of s1.
Schedule: Selectivity-based? –Conclude: Heavy tuple shedder early on is good.
How to choose? If we knew all selectivities and all costs (and they were static), maybe we could pick the best overall “schedule” here. Otherwise, we need a cheap means to observe their changes And, we need a means to react in a simply manner based on those perceived changes
An Aside: How to choose? A machine learning problem? –Each agent pays off differently –Explore Or Exploit? –Heuristics ? Sometimes want to randomly choose one Usually want to go with the best If probabilities are stationary, dampen exploration over time
Eddies with Lottery Scheduling Operator gets 1 ticket when it takes a tuple –Favor operators that run fast (low cost) Operator loses a ticket when it returns a tuple –Favor operators that drop tuples (low selectivity) Winner? –Large number of tickets == measure of goodness Lottery Scheduling: –When two operators vie for the same tuple, hold a lottery –Never let any operator go to zero tickets Support occasional random “exploration”
Lottery-Based Eddy –Two expensive selections, cost 5 Selectivity(s2) = 50%. Vary selectivity of s1.
In a Volatile Environment Two index joins –Slow: 5 second delay; Fast: no delay –Toggle after 30 seconds
Related Work –Late Binding: Dynamic, Parametric [HP88,GW89,IN+92,GC94,AC+96,LP97] –Per Query: Mariposa [SA+96], ASE [CR94] –Competition: RDB [AZ96] –Inter-Op: [KD98], Tukwila [IF+99] –Query Scrambling: [AF+96,UFA98] Survey: Hellerstein, Franklin, et al., DE Bulletin 2000 System R Late Binding Per Query Competition & Sampling Inter-Operator Query Scrambling Eddies Ingres DECOMP Frequency of Adaptivity Future Work
Summary Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Dataflow –Suited for volatile performance environments Changes in operator/machine peformance Changes in selectivities (e.g. with sorted inputs) Changes in data delivery –Currently adapts join order Competitive methods to adapt access & join methods? Requires well-behaved join algorithms –Pipelining –Avoid synch barriers –Frequent moments of symmetry The end of the runstats/optimizer/executor boundary! –At best, System R is good for “hints” on initial ticket distribution