Being an Effective Leader Satya Tiwari Steve Greeley Julien Moua Christine Kenney Satya Tiwari Steve Greeley Julien Moua Christine Kenney
Effective Leadership Source: Date: May 6, 2005 Headline: Advice on Being and Effective Leader Author:Michael Beck Source: Date: May 6, 2005 Headline: Advice on Being and Effective Leader Author:Michael Beck
Effective leadership – Why? Since good leadership is hard to define, it is also difficult to directly measure. Plain and simple, leadership is about getting others to take action Exceptional leadership inspires the best effort in others Since good leadership is hard to define, it is also difficult to directly measure. Plain and simple, leadership is about getting others to take action Exceptional leadership inspires the best effort in others
Ineffective Leadership Inability to Motivate People Difficulty Attracting/Retaining the Right People Low Productivity Poor Customer Orientation High Stress Isolation Declining Profits Inability to Motivate People Difficulty Attracting/Retaining the Right People Low Productivity Poor Customer Orientation High Stress Isolation Declining Profits
Ineffective Leadership Ineffective Delegation Lack of Creativity Lack of Initiative Ineffective Teams Poor Communications Lack of Vision Diminishing Revenues High Turnover Ineffective Delegation Lack of Creativity Lack of Initiative Ineffective Teams Poor Communications Lack of Vision Diminishing Revenues High Turnover
Effective Leadership – How? Understanding the foundations of what makes someone an effective leader What kind of organizational culture is most effective Understanding the foundations of what makes someone an effective leader What kind of organizational culture is most effective
Understanding Effective Leadership Becoming Influential Facilitating Teamwork & Collaboration Being a Catalyst for Change Managing Conflict Developing Others Having & Communicating a Compelling Vision Becoming Influential Facilitating Teamwork & Collaboration Being a Catalyst for Change Managing Conflict Developing Others Having & Communicating a Compelling Vision
Understanding Effective Leadership Break old habits/responses and form new ones Know which areas to improve Use a reliable assessment to identify areas of growth opportunity Develop a plan of development Having one or more people who can support you, give unbiased, nonjudgmental feedback and help make course corrections Break old habits/responses and form new ones Know which areas to improve Use a reliable assessment to identify areas of growth opportunity Develop a plan of development Having one or more people who can support you, give unbiased, nonjudgmental feedback and help make course corrections
Organizational Culture Foundation of a strong organization Development of a clear and compelling Purpose Identification of the organization's Mission to achieve the Purpose Agreement on a set of Values by which to carry out the Mission Adoption of a Servant Leader attitude throughout the organization Foundation of a strong organization Development of a clear and compelling Purpose Identification of the organization's Mission to achieve the Purpose Agreement on a set of Values by which to carry out the Mission Adoption of a Servant Leader attitude throughout the organization
Effective Leadership - Example Source: Human Resources Magazine Date: November 17, 2004 Headline: Taking the lead in leadership Database:LexisNexis™ Copyright 2004 Reed International Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source: Human Resources Magazine Date: November 17, 2004 Headline: Taking the lead in leadership Database:LexisNexis™ Copyright 2004 Reed International Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Effective Leadership - Example To develop future leaders with right cultural fit and company’ values. Integrated leadership development framework incorporating six structured development pathways at different levels Customized - Development planning, skills training, personal development, 1:1 coaching and mentoring, 360 degree feedback and action learning To develop future leaders with right cultural fit and company’ values. Integrated leadership development framework incorporating six structured development pathways at different levels Customized - Development planning, skills training, personal development, 1:1 coaching and mentoring, 360 degree feedback and action learning Katy Tindall, Organization Development Manager at Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH) – Western Australian grain storage
Effective Leadership - Example “We pride ourselves in not training for training’s sake. It’s now specifically targeted to the individual and linked to each employee’s development plan and performance appraisal” Comment by Charmaine Guretti, CBH’s L&D coordinator “We pride ourselves in not training for training’s sake. It’s now specifically targeted to the individual and linked to each employee’s development plan and performance appraisal” Comment by Charmaine Guretti, CBH’s L&D coordinator
Effective Leadership -Result CBH won 2004 Large Employer of the Year in Western Australia’s Training Excellence Awards. Turnover is low, Average tenure is 10 years 50% staff experienced career progression in past two years High levels of satisfaction after leadership training CBH won 2004 Large Employer of the Year in Western Australia’s Training Excellence Awards. Turnover is low, Average tenure is 10 years 50% staff experienced career progression in past two years High levels of satisfaction after leadership training
Being an Effective Leader Satya Tiwari Steve Greeley Julien Moua Christine Kenney Satya Tiwari Steve Greeley Julien Moua Christine Kenney