The net result is that the Extra Credit Research Paper will only really effect your final grade if you are "just" below a final grade cut line. Exact point value of research paper to be determined, but will likely be in the 10 point range. GE2000 Extra Credit Research Paper Points will be added after final grade is determined
YOU MUST REFER TO THE EXTRA CREDIT RESEARCH PAPER TOPIC LIST TO SELECT A TOPIC Research topics must be approved by 5:00 pm June 4. Send your proposed topic via to:
Paper due by 5:00 pm June 18 Only hard copy will be accepted
Guidelines for the Extra Credit Research Paper Use at least three references, prefer 5; can be Web Sites; not textbook or lab manual. Maximum length of 4 double spaced typed pages of text without figures, tables, references. Research Paper should be "professional", must be typed with 1" margins & 12 point font. Use a title page with name Use headers and subheaders
You need to go to the library and look at articles in the professional journal called: “Geology” Articles in this journal should be used as a guide for the preparation of your paper – You do not need an abstract, you do need headers and subheaders, figures with your own captions (figures can be on separate pages rather than integrated into the text), you do need to use the profession citation format shown in “Geology”