My Name Around the World-FSVS-Huaying 林 華 瑩 Lin Huay ing
My Name Around the World-FSVS-Huaying Self-Introduction The country I am from: Taiwan The structure of my name 林 華瑩 Lin Huaying surname first name My nickname: 瑩 Yin
My Name Around the World-FSVS-Huaying The Origin of My Name Who gave me the name? My grandfather The meaning of my name: First name: 華 (Hua)--flower 瑩 (Ying)--a kind of jade being crystal. Surname: 林 ( Lin )--- two trees together, refering to a forest
My Name Around the World-FSVS-Huaying The Story of My First Name My first name 華瑩 (Hua-ying) is named by my grandfather. He named the second word 華 based on the family tree. As for 瑩, it is chosen due to the number of strokes in the Chinese character. There are 15 strokes if one writes 瑩. It is believed that this number will bring good life to me. My cute grandfather
My Name Around the World-FSVS-Huaying The Name for My Child The name of my child: 小 瑩 The meaning of the name: 小 : small 瑩 : a kind of jade being crystal. Why I name him/her this? I give him/her this name becasue it is cute.
My Name Around the World-FSVS-Huaying Thank you for your time. If you like my name or have any word to me, please leave your message on this blog.