The HETGS view of the micro-quasar GRS Lee et al. 2002, ApJ., 567, 1102 COLLABORATORS : C.S. Reynolds (U. Maryland) R.A Remillard (MIT) N.S. Schulz (MIT) A.C. Fabian (IoA – Cambridge) E.G. Blackman (U. Rochester) Julia Lee : Chandra symposium 2002
The micro-quasar GRS Discovery with WATCH All Sky Monitor on GRANAT (Castro-Tirado et al. 1992) LMXB with K-M III companion (Greiner et al. 2001) Radial velocity curves : 14 M sun ; ~ 33 day period Galactic jet source with superluminal motion in radio v jet ~ 0.92c; incl = 70 deg. (e.g. Mirabel & Rodriquez 1999) ballastic AND steady jets (e.g. Fender 1999, Dhawan et al. 2000) ASCA during soft state (Kotani et al., 2000) Ca XX, Fe (XXV, XXVI), and blends of H- and He-like Ni & Fe Highly variable : repeated flares, then periods of quiescence L ~ few x to few x erg s -1
Chandra HETGS & RXTE PCA 2000 April 24 : Phase ~ 0.8 ASM April : ~ 0.4 Crab (2-12 keV ) Lx > 6.4 x erg/s
GRS : Low Hard State Lee et al.
Prominent Neutral Photoelectric K edges * * 3 x cm - 2 } Lee et al.
Prominent Neutral Photoelectric K edges in GRS OTHER BINARIES ? Overabund : S, O (companion stars) GRO1655; V4641 Sgr (Orosz et al. 2001,, Brown et al. 2001, Israelian et al. 1999) No Fe, Si overabund SS 433 (Marshall et al. 2002) Cyg X1 (Schulz et al. 2002) X (Paerels et al. 2001) * * IR show heated dust in surroundings (Mirabel et al. 1996, Marti et al. 2000) 3 x cm - 2 }
Solid State Astrophysics ? Extract grain properties via compound’s inner structure ! Lee et al. 2002
Ionizing Absorption from a Hot Disk Atmosphere (also CaXX Ly ; W > 1.2 mA, N ca > 3.6x10 16 cm -2 ) Lee et al.
The iron complex a HOT disk atmosphere (lower limit) Lee et al.
Consider this … What if the ionized absorber is associated with material flowing out from the X-ray source ? (1) Assume v wind ~ 100 km s -1 ( = solid angle of outflow) (2) Efficiency ~ 0.1 & L bol ~ Lx (lower limit on L bol ) Mass flux in disk ~ mass flux in wind when /4 ~ 1 material in ~ material out for slow isotropic wind Lee et al. 2002
Ionizing flux & density changes ? If R ~ cm and v wind ~ 100 km/s t flow = 10 ks (10 -8 erg cm -2 s -1 ) Lee et al.
COLD Clouds LOW HARD STATE : COLD : anomalous Fe, Si HOT disk atm. (H, He-like Fe) DUST : XAFS ? VARIABILITY : flow ? HOT atm / corona Lee et al. 2002