Schema Normalization, Concluded Zachary G. Ives University of Pennsylvania CIS 550 – Database & Information Systems October 11, 2005 Some slide content courtesy of Susan Davidson & Raghu Ramakrishnan
2 Announcements Decide on 3-person project groups by 1 week from Thursday (10/20) Homework 2 answers posted on Web Homework 3 due Thursday No class next Tuesday (Fall Break) Midterm: Thursday 10/20
3 Not All Designs are Equally Good Why is this a poor schema design? And why is this one better? Stuff(sid, name, serno, subj, cid, exp-grade) Student(sid, name) Course(serno, cid) Subject(cid, subj) Takes(sid, serno, exp-grade)
4 Functional Dependencies Describe “Key-Like” Relationships A key is a set of attributes where: If keys match, then the tuples match A functional dependency (FD) is a generalization: If an attribute set determines another, written X ! Y then if two tuples agree on attribute set X, they must agree on X: sid ! name What other FDs are there in this data? FDs are independent of our schema design choice
5 Formal Definition of FD’s Def. Given a relation schema R and subsets X, Y of R: An instance r of R satisfies FD X Y if, for any two tuples t1, t2 2 r, t1[X ] = t2[X] implies t1[Y] = t2[Y] For an FD to hold for schema R, it must hold for every possible instance of r (Can a DBMS verify this? Can we determine this by looking at an instance?)
6 General Thoughts on Good Schemas We want all attributes in every tuple to be determined by the tuple’s key attributes, i.e. part of a superkey (for key X Y, a superkey is a “non-minimal” X) What does this say about redundancy? But: What about tuples that don’t have keys (other than the entire value)? What about the fact that every attribute determines itself?
7 Armstrong’s Axioms: Inferring FDs Some FDs exist due to others; can compute using Armstrong’s axioms: Reflexivity: If Y X then X Y (trivial dependencies) name, sid name Augmentation: If X Y then XW YW serno subj so serno, exp-grade subj, exp-grade Transitivity: If X Y and Y Z then X Z serno cid and cid subj so serno subj
8 Armstrong’s Axioms Lead to… Union: If X Y and X Z then X YZ Pseudotransitivity: If X Y and WY Z then XW Z Decomposition: If X Y and Z Y then X Z Let’s prove a few of these from Armstrong’s Axioms
9 Closure of a Set of FD’s Defn. Let F be a set of FD’s. Its closure, F +, is the set of all FD’s: {X Y | X Y is derivable from F by Armstrong’s Axioms} Which of the following are in the closure of our Student-Course FD’s? name name cid subj serno subj cid, sid subj cid sid
10 Attribute Closures: Is Something Dependent on X? Defn. The closure of an attribute set X, X +, is: X + = {Y | X Y F + } This answers the question “is Y determined (transitively) by X?”; compute X + by: Does sid, serno subj, exp-grade ? closure := X; repeat until no change { if there is an FD U V in F such that U is in closure then add V to closure}
11 Equivalence of FD sets Defn. Two sets of FD’s, F and G, are equivalent if their closures are equivalent, F + = G + e.g., these two sets are equivalent: { XY Z, X Y } and { X Z, X Y } F + contains a huge number of FD’s (exponential in the size of the schema) Would like to have smallest “representative” FD set
12 Minimal Cover Defn. A FD set F is minimal if: 1. Every FD in F is of the form X A, where A is a single attribute 2. For no X A in F is: F – {X A } equivalent to F 3. For no X A in F and Z X is: F – {X A } {Z A } equivalent to F Defn. F is a minimum cover for G if F is minimal and is equivalent to G. e.g., {X Z, X Y} is a minimal cover for {XY Z, X Z, X Y} in a sense, each FD is “essential” to the cover we express each FD in simplest form
13 More on Closures If F is a set of FD’s and X Y F + then for some attribute A Y, X A F + Proof by counterexample. Assume otherwise and let Y = {A 1,..., A n } Since we assume X A 1,..., X A n are in F + then X A 1... A n is in F + by union rule, hence, X Y is in F + which is a contradiction
14 Why Armstrong’s Axioms? Why are Armstrong’s axioms (or an equivalent rule set) appropriate for FD’s? They are: Consistent: any relation satisfying FD’s in F will satisfy those in F + Complete: if an FD X Y cannot be derived by Armstrong’s axioms from F, then there exists some relational instance satisfying F but not X Y In other words, Armstrong’s axioms derive all the FD’s that should hold What is the goal of using these axioms?
15 Decomposition Consider our original “bad” attribute set We could decompose it into: But this decomposition loses information about the relationship between students and courses. Why? Stuff(sid, name, serno, subj, cid, exp-grade) Student(sid, name) Course(serno, cid) Subject(cid, subj)
16 Lossless Join Decomposition R 1, … R k is a lossless join decomposition of R w.r.t. an FD set F if for every instance r of R that satisfies F, R 1 (r) ⋈... ⋈ R k (r) = r Consider: What if we decompose on (sid, name) and (serno, subj, cid, exp-grade)? sidnamesernosubjcidexp-grade 1Sam570103AI570B 23Nitin550103DB550A
17 Testing for Lossless Join R 1, R 2 is a lossless join decomposition of R with respect to F iff at least one of the following dependencies is in F+ (R 1 R 2 ) R 1 – R 2 (R 1 R 2 ) R 2 – R 1 So for the FD set: sid name serno cid, exp-grade cid subj Is (sid, name) and (serno, subj, cid, exp-grade) a lossless decomposition?
18 Dependency Preservation Ensures we can check whether a FD X Y is violated during DB updates, without using a join: F Z, the projection of FD set F onto attribute set Z, is: {X Y | X Y F +, X Y Z} i.e., it is those FDs only applicable to Z’s attributes A decomposition R 1, …, R k is dependency preserving if F + = (F R 1 ... F R k ) + (note we need an extra closure!) We don’t lose the ability to test the “cover” of our FDs in a single table, just because we decompose
19 Example 1 For Schema R(sid, name, serno, cid, subj, exp-grade) and FD set: sid nameserno cid cid subjsid, serno exp-grade Is R 1 (sid, name) and R 2 (serno, subj, cid, exp-grade): A lossless decomposition? Is it dependency-preserving? How about R1(sid, name) and R2(sid, serno, subj, cid, exp-grade)?
20 Example 2 Given schema R(name, street, city, st, zip, item, price), FD setname street, citystreet, city st street, city zipname, item price and decomposition R 1 (name, street, city, st, zip) and R 2 (name, item, price) Is it lossless? Is it dependency preserving? What if we replaced the first FD with name, street city?
21 A More Disturbing Example… Given schema R(sid, fid, subj) and FD set: fid subjsid, subj fid Consider the decomposition R 1 (sid, fid) and R 2 (fid, subj) Is it lossless? Is it dependency preserving? If it isn’t, can you think of a decomposition that is? Can you do this non-redundantly?
22 Redundancy vs. FDs Ideally, we want a design s.t. for each nontrivial dependency X Y, X is a superkey for some relation schema in R We just saw that this isn’t always possible in a non- redundant way… Thus we have two kinds of normal forms, Boyce-Codd and Third Normal Form
23 Two Important Normal Forms Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF). For every relation scheme R and for every X A that holds over R, either A X (it is trivial),or or X is a superkey for R Third Normal Form (3NF). For every relation scheme R and for every X A that holds over R, either A X (it is trivial), or X is a superkey for R, or A is a member of some key for R
24 Normal Forms Compared BCNF is preferable, but sometimes in conflict with the goal of dependency preservation It’s strictly stronger than 3NF Let’s see algorithms to obtain: A BCNF lossless join decomposition (nondeterministic) A 3NF lossless join, dependency preserving decomposition
25 BCNF Decomposition Algorithm (from Korth et al.; our book gives a recursive version) result := {R} compute F+ while there is a relation schema R i in result that isn’t in BCNF { let A B be a nontrivial FD on R i s.t. A R i is not in F+ and A and B are disjoint result:= (result – R i ) {(R i - B), (A,B)} }
26 3NF Decomposition Algorithm Let F be a minimal cover i:=0 for each FD A B in F { if none of the schemas R j, 1 j i, contains AB { increment i R i := (A, B) } if no schema R j, 1 j i contains a candidate key for R { increment i R i := any candidate key for R } return (R 1, …, R i ) Build dep.- preserving decomp. Ensure lossless decomp.
27 Summary of Normalization We can always decompose into 3NF and get: Lossless join Dependency preservation But with BCNF we are only guaranteed lossless joins BCNF is stronger than 3NF: every BCNF schema is also in 3NF The BCNF algorithm is nondeterministic, so there is not a unique decomposition for a given schema R
28 XML: A Semi-Structured Data Model
29 Why XML? XML is the confluence of several factors: The Web needed a more declarative format for data Documents needed a mechanism for extended tags Database people needed a more flexible interchange format “Lingua franca” of data It’s parsable even if we don’t know what it means! Original expectation: The whole web would go to XML instead of HTML Today’s reality: Not so… But XML is used all over “under the covers”
30 Why DB People Like XML Can get data from all sorts of sources Allows us to touch data we don’t own! This was actually a huge change in the DB community Interesting relationships with DB techniques Useful to do relational-style operations Leverages ideas from object-oriented, semistructured data Blends schema and data into one format Unlike relational model, where we need schema first … But too little schema can be a drawback, too!
31 XML Anatomy Kurt P. Brown PRPL: A Database Workload Specification Language 1992 Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Paul R. McJones The 1995 SQL Reunion Digital System Research Center Report SRC db/labs/dec/SRC html Processing Instr. Element Attribute Close-tag Open-tag
32 Well-Formed XML A legal XML document – fully parsable by an XML parser All open-tags have matching close-tags (unlike so many HTML documents!), or a special: shortcut for empty tags (equivalent to Attributes (which are unordered, in contrast to elements) only appear once in an element There’s a single root element XML is case-sensitive