Marine Microfossils Dr. J Bret Bennington Department of Geology
What are marine microfossils? Fossilized remains of small organisms or tiny hardparts of larger organisms. Plankton Benthic fauna Many different groups representing animals, protists, and a variety of algae.
Protistan Microfossils Mineralized test (shell) formed by amoeba-like protozoans. Foraminifera - calcareous (calcium carbonate) or agglutinated (test composed of cemented grains of sand or other sediment). Radiolaria - test composed of silica.
Protistan Microfossils Foraminifera - sarcodina (amoeba) Protistan Microfossils
Protistan Microfossils Foraminifera - sarcodina (amoeba) Benthic forams live in sediments relatively large Planktic forams live floating in the water column relatively small Protistan Microfossils
Protistan Microfossils Foraminifera - sarcodina (amoeba) Benthic forams Protistan Microfossils Calcite
Protistan Microfossils Foraminifera Planktic forams Calcite Protistan Microfossils
Protistan Microfossils Radiolarians - Spumellarians Protistan Microfossils Silica
Protistan Microfossils Radiolarians - Nacellarians Protistan Microfossils Silica
Animal Microfossils Mineralized shells and teeth produced by metazoans (multicellular animals). Ostracods - calcareous (calcium carbonate) shell produced by tiny crustaceans. Conodonts - calcium phosphate “teeth” produced by an extinct group of vermiform (worm-like) vertebrates.
Ostracods - Arthropoda Animal Microfossils calcite
Conodonts - Vertebrata Animal Microfossils
Conodonts - Vertebrata conodont apparatus Animal Microfossils
Conodonts - Vertebrata Animal Microfossils
Animal Microfossils Conodonts - Vertebrata microwear facets calcium phosphate
Algal Microfossils Mineralized tests and plates produced by a variety of unicellular algae. Coccolithophorids - tiny algae that produce calcareous plates - main component of chalk. Diatoms - algal cells that produce paired tests (called frustules) composed of silica. Dinoflagellates - marine algae that produce organic cysts preserved in sedimentary rock. Also the cause of most harmful algal blooms (HABs).
Coccolithophorids - Haptophyta calcite Algal Microfossils
Chalk Cliffs, England
Algal Microfossils Diatoms - Chrysophyta silica Pennate - benthic, parasitic Centric - planktic Algal Microfossils
Diatoms - Chrysophyta silica frustules Algal Microfossils
Diatoms - Chrysophyta silica Algal Microfossils
Algal Microfossils Dinoflagellates - Pyrrhophyta Sporopollenin living
Dinoflagellates - Pyrrhophyta Living cell Cyst
Why are marine microfossils useful? Biostratigraphy - dating rock layers using fossils. Environmental reconstruction - identifying different marine environments in the past. Paleothermometry - determining ocean water temperature in the past. Paleoclimatology - reconstructing climate change through Earth’s history.
From Sugarman, et. al, 1995 Biostratigraphic zones - intervals of time defined by the presence of particular fossil species.
Coccoliths From Sugarman, et. al, 1995
Foraminifera From Sugarman, et. al, 1995
Deep Sea Drilling Project ship - Glomar Challenger
Recovering sediment cores from the deep ocean.
Foraminifera Fossil foram species can be used to date age of seafloor and sediment layers.
Stable Isotopes Oxygen O16 O18 CO2 + H2O = HCO3-1 + H+ 99.76% .2% CO2 + H2O = HCO3-1 + H+ 2 HCO3-1 + Ca++ = CaCO3 + H2CO3 O18 is preferentially removed from seawater during calcite formation. This effect is sensitive to temperature. Ratio of O18 / O16 in shell is temperature dependent. Can be measured using a mass spectrometer.
Mass Spectrometer
Increasing 18O in calcite relative to water Change in isotopic ratio in carbonate shell with change in water temperature.
Modern sea-surface temperature
d18O due to ice buildup less ice negative excursion more ice Glaciations cause more d18O to accumulate in seawater. This happens because 16O evaporates preferentially and becomes trapped on land as glacial ice. less ice negative excursion H216O more ice positive excursion
Average d18O curve from 5 deep sea cores (foram calcite). warming After Imbrie et al. (1984) warming cooling
Onset of Cenozoic cooling trend - development of cold deep ocean circulation.
Navesink Formation, central New Jersey
70X Benthic foraminifera
70X Benthic foraminifera
70X Planktic foraminifera
70X Ostracod
70X Ostracod valve
70X Burrowing echinoid spine
70X Fish denticle