5 Year Total LIHEAP Block Grant Allotment (FY ) While LIHEAP is intended to assist low-income families with their year-round home energy needs, Congress often perceives it as a heating assistance program only. This chart underscores the funding inequity in the LIHEAP program by comparing the Total Block Grant Allotment (for FY ) for the 27 cold weather states, which accounted for only 47 percent of the eligible population yet received 69.5 percent of the allotment, with the 23 warm weather states, which accounted for 53 percent of the eligible population yet received only 30.5 percent of the allotment. 27 COLD WEATHER STATES 47% OF INCOME ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS* Alaska Colorado Connecticut Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Utah Vermont Washington Wisconsin Wyoming 23 WARM WEATHER STATES 53% OF INCOME ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS* Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi Missouri Nevada New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 69% $6,692,105,552 31% $2,945,300,068 Produced by the Southern Governors’ Association*Population figures are based on HHS Administration for Children and Families statistics (Average of 2001, 2002 and 2003 state-level estimate).
5 Year Total LIHEAP Contingency Allotment (FY ) While LIHEAP is intended to assist low-income families with their year-round home energy needs, Congress often perceives it as a heating assistance program only. This chart underscores the funding inequity in the LIHEAP program by comparing the Contingency Allotment (for FY ) for the 27 cold weather states, which accounted for only 47 percent of the eligible population yet received 80.5 percent of the allotment, with the 23 warm weather states, which accounted for 53 percent of the eligible population yet received only 19.5 percent of the allotment. 81% $1,151,261,090 19% $269,116,715 Produced by the Southern Governors’ Association*Population figures are based on HHS Administration for Children and Families statistics (Average of 2001, 2002 and 2003 state-level estimate). 27 COLD WEATHER STATES 47% OF INCOME ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS* Alaska Colorado Connecticut Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Utah Vermont Washington Wisconsin Wyoming 23 WARM WEATHER STATES 53% OF INCOME ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS* Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi Missouri Nevada New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia
5 Year Total LIHEAP Total Allotment (FY ) While LIHEAP is intended to assist low-income families with their year-round home energy needs, Congress often perceives it as a heating assistance program only. This chart underscores the funding inequity in the LIHEAP program by comparing the Total Allotment (for FY ) for the 27 cold weather states, which accounted for only 47 percent of the eligible population yet received 71 percent of the allotment, with the 23 warm weather states, which accounted for 53 percent of the eligible population yet received only 29 percent of the allotment. 72% $8,313,762,998 28% $3,214,506,845 Produced by the Southern Governors’ Association*Population figures are based on HHS Administration for Children and Families statistics (Average of 2001, 2002 and 2003 state-level estimate). 27 COLD WEATHER STATES 47% OF INCOME ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS* Alaska Colorado Connecticut Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Utah Vermont Washington Wisconsin Wyoming 23 WARM WEATHER STATES 53% OF INCOME ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS* Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi Missouri Nevada New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia