Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 2 Calorimetry Performance goals Electromagnetic Calorimetry (ECal) Hadronic Calorimetry (HCal) –Digital –Analog Particle-flow algorithms (formerly energy-flow) –Simulations –Particle identification (Digi/Ana) Test Beam
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 3 Performance goals Jet energy measurement precise enough to separate Ws and Zs in hadronic decays on an event-by- event basis: ΔE = 0.3 sqrt(E [GeV]) Use track momenta for charged clusters; cal only for for neutrals: particle-flow algorithms Identify non-pointing neutral clusters Excellent hermeticity
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 4 ECal Si-W (Oregon+SLAC) Si-W-Scint (Kansas) Scint-W (Colorado) Crystal (Iowa+Caltech) Cerenkov-compensated (Iowa+Fairfield) All analog
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 5 Si-W ECal 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm 0.3 mm Si 3.5 mm/layer 30 layers R in = ~142 cm Z max = 2.1m 20X 0, 0.8λ 0 Sampling ~2% 5T field Small R m and fine segmentation aids PFAs Europe on board Design well under way Electronics rough draft complete Mechanical conceptual design started. Tests, more simulations in the offing
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 6 Si-W-Scint. & Scint.-W More affordable than Si-W Somewhat coarser segmentation – limited by fiber routing Fine sampling and timing Efficiency and uniformity need to be established – gang 3-5 tiles Choice of photodet, fiber coupling … Europe, Asia on board on scint. option Detailed simulation studies in progress
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 7 Crystal Cerenkov Inexpensive Excellent E resol. (100% sampling) No longitudinal segmentation – limitation to PFA? Still in early stage Extensive simulations needed and planned Cerenkov- compensated precision calorimetry Uses Cerenkov light to measure e,γ; ionization for hadrons, e – combine the two Not much known
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 8 HCal RPC – Digital (ANL, U. Chicago, Boston, FNAL) Scintillator – Digital (?) (NIU, UIC) GEM – Digital (U Texas - Arlington) Scintillator – Analog (Colorado) ~34 layers, ~3.5 cm thick w/ 2.5 cm thick stainless steel or similar absorber ~ 4λ 0, ~6% sampling 1-10 cm 2 cells
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 9 RPC DHCal Multiple gas gaps, glass substrate, graphite/ink resistive layer Avalanche mode operation Prototypes constructed, electronics, DAQ in place, initial studies are very encouraging Extensive testing, readout chip design in progress Backed by detailed simulation
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 10 Scintillator DHCal Proven technology Somewhat larger cells Cheap production by in-house extrusion MANY options for fiber routing, surface treatment, groove shape, transducer tested with encouraging results Cosmic ray prototype stack ~ready Bolstered by extensive simulation
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 11 GEM DHCal New technology Double-gap First prototype w/electronics assembled, operational Initial tests with CR, source at par with results shown by developers Multichannel prototypes under construction Backed up by extensive simulation
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 12 Scint. HCal (analog) Similar to Scint DHCal, but ~2.5 times larger tiles Improve lateral resolution by staggering Cell prototyping done Stack prototype next Simulation studies in progress
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 13 Particle-flow algorithms Several calorimeter groups are deeply involved in simulation and software development as well as PFA development (NIU, ANL, Colorado, UTA, …) First jet reconstruction results are most encouraging, prompting us to more realistic simulations and sophisticated reco algorithms Much effort invested
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 14 R. Wilson – CSU: Particle ID Software Infrastructure Embedding PID in the overall LCD/JAS s/w infrastructure? Fast Simulation/Reconstruction : dE/dx tool; code checks; muon fast simulation. Cross subsystem PID. Muon & PID Summary A. Maciel – NIU: Simulation Software Development Extension of generalized and universal simulation framework – new worldwide effort. Planar muon detector example with 45 o strips. Big advance! u vs. v for 2 tracks
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 15 Muon & PID Summary (cont.) C. Milstene – NIU: Muon ID Software Development Resurrection of code. Verification of M. Piccolo’s muon ID for single particles and b-b events. G. Fisk – Fermilab: Scintillator Muon Detector Prototype Planes: Description General description of scintillator strip layout. M. Wayne – UND: Fiber Connections & Routing Discussion of fiber associated with bringing the WLS light out of the scintillator strips and onto a multi-anode photomultiplier.
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 16 Muon & PID Summary (cont.) P. Karchin – WSU: MAPMT Readout and Calibration Issues Test results on Hamamatsu M-16 multi-anode PMT. Calibration ideas. R. Wilson – CSU Geiger Photodiode Array Readout Test Description of tests performed on prototype APD (avalanche photo- diode). M. Piccolo – INFN RPC Prototype Design Issues First test results for new glass RPCs. Rate capability studies Test Beam at Frascati Plateau curve
Dhiman ChakrabortyCalorimetry + muon/p-id summary LC workshop, Cornell, 16 July, '03 17 Prototype Module Layout 2.5m 5.0 m 43 full strips 3.6m (L) x 4.1cm (W) x 1cm (T) 43 short strips 3.6m => 0m long Read out: both ends of full strips; one end of short strips (except the shortest 22). 2*( ) fibers/side =128 channels = 8 (1.2mm dia) fibers/pix * 16(4 x 4mm 2 ) pixels => Equivalent of One MAPMT/prototype plane