For use only with Perreault/Cannon/McCarthy or Perreault/McCarthy texts. © 2008 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Promotion – Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications Promotion – Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications CHAPTER THIRTEEN
CH 15: Advertising & Sales Promotion Promotion methods Managing promotion Effective communication Blending promotion CH 14: Personal Selling and Customer Service CH 13: Promotion Intro. To Integrated Marketing Communications Promotion and Marketing Strategy Planning (Exhibit 13-1)
Mass Selling Personal Selling Sales Promotion PROMOTIONMETHODS AdvertisingPublicity Several Promotion Methods Are Available
Sales Promotion Tries to Spark Immediate Interest (Exhibit 13-2)
Sales Promotion Managers Advertising Managers Sales Managers Someone Must Plan, Integrate, and Manage the Promotion Blend Marketing Mangers Integrated Marketing Communications
Promotion Objectives Adoption Process AIDA Model Informing Awareness Interest Attention Interest Persuading Evaluation TrialDesire Reminding Decision ConfirmationAction {} } Promotion Objectives Relate to the Adoption Process and AIDA Mode (Exhibit 13-3)
How Typical Promotion Plans Are Blended and Integrated (Exhibit 13-7)
Pulling – Demand Pulls the Product through the Channel (Exhibit 13-7)
Adoption Processes Can Guide Promotion Planning (Exhibit 13-8)
“This new idea is good” “Our brand is best” “Our brand is better, really” “Let’s tell those who still want our product” Promotion Blends Vary Over the Life Cycle
Budgeting from Uncommitted Resources Budgeting by Sales Unit Matching the Competition Percentage of Sales Setting the Promotion Budget Task Method